Provedena istraživanja odnose se na proučavanje efekta dvorasnog, trorasnog i četverorsanog križaanja nerastova rase Durok (D), Hempšir (H) i F1 (H x D), s krmačama F1( ŠL x VJ) u odnosu na čiste rase Švedski Landras (SL) i Veliki Jorkšir (VJ) i to na važnija reprodukcijska i tovna svojstva te svojstva kvalitete polutki krmača i nerastova. Heterozis majke i oca kao i indivdue manifestirao se u očekivanoj razini kod pojedinih svojstava. Nerastovi F1 (HxD) bili su superiorniji količinom sperme u odnosu na svoje vršnjake čiste rase, snažnije su konstitucije s izraženijim libidom i agresivnošću kontaktu s plotkinjama. Ove značajke daju im značajnu prednost u odnosu na nerastove čiste rase Durok i naročito Hempšir.The investigations involved the...
Bessere Schlacht- und Mastleistung haben dazu geführt, daß immer häufiger nichtkastrierte Schweine...
Crossbreeding in commercial hog operations are always bred to a boar of their least domi-is widely p...
Fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost plodnosti nerasta ispitivana je na osnovu libida i osobina ejaku...
As early as 1926, Danish workers reported that cross-breeding gave larger litters at weaning that ga...
Single commercial cross breeding widely used in animal husbandry does not always guarantee heterosis...
The aim of this diploma thesis was to assess the performance achieved at sows of CLW breed and hybri...
The aim was to analyze the reproductive traits in pig breeds CBU, CL, BO, D and H 84 pedigree breedi...
Od godine 1976. do godine 1981. bili su bilježeni nadnevci pripusta i prasenja te broj oprasene pras...
Estimates of direct and maternal genetic and heterosis effects for purebreds and crosses among the D...
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
A trial was carried out using 290 pigs of 16 genetic types, 128 gilts and 162 barrows, produced from...
U radu su ispitivana obilježja tovnosti i kakvoće trupova križanaca BL x (VJNJLDL) i DL X (VJNJLDL) ...
Istražena je mesnatost polovica dvije grupe tovljenika proizvedenih sparivanjem tri AB-nerasta hypor...
A review of recent swine crossbreeding experiments is presented and integrated with earlier work. Va...
The aim of the research was to conduct an economic assessment of the use of industrial crossbreeding...
Bessere Schlacht- und Mastleistung haben dazu geführt, daß immer häufiger nichtkastrierte Schweine...
Crossbreeding in commercial hog operations are always bred to a boar of their least domi-is widely p...
Fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost plodnosti nerasta ispitivana je na osnovu libida i osobina ejaku...
As early as 1926, Danish workers reported that cross-breeding gave larger litters at weaning that ga...
Single commercial cross breeding widely used in animal husbandry does not always guarantee heterosis...
The aim of this diploma thesis was to assess the performance achieved at sows of CLW breed and hybri...
The aim was to analyze the reproductive traits in pig breeds CBU, CL, BO, D and H 84 pedigree breedi...
Od godine 1976. do godine 1981. bili su bilježeni nadnevci pripusta i prasenja te broj oprasene pras...
Estimates of direct and maternal genetic and heterosis effects for purebreds and crosses among the D...
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
A trial was carried out using 290 pigs of 16 genetic types, 128 gilts and 162 barrows, produced from...
U radu su ispitivana obilježja tovnosti i kakvoće trupova križanaca BL x (VJNJLDL) i DL X (VJNJLDL) ...
Istražena je mesnatost polovica dvije grupe tovljenika proizvedenih sparivanjem tri AB-nerasta hypor...
A review of recent swine crossbreeding experiments is presented and integrated with earlier work. Va...
The aim of the research was to conduct an economic assessment of the use of industrial crossbreeding...
Bessere Schlacht- und Mastleistung haben dazu geführt, daß immer häufiger nichtkastrierte Schweine...
Crossbreeding in commercial hog operations are always bred to a boar of their least domi-is widely p...
Fenotipska i genetska varijabilnost plodnosti nerasta ispitivana je na osnovu libida i osobina ejaku...