Tijekom fitocenoloških istraživanja na otoku Unije, otkriveno je 30 taksona vaskularnih biljaka, novih za njegovu floru. Uz već otprije poznatih 596 taksona, sveukupna dosad poznata flora Unije broji 626 taksona.By its geographical position the island of Unije belongs to the island group of Lošinj. The surface of Unije is 16.77 sq. km. Based on the data published up to now (Tommasini 1862, Petter 1862, Haračić 1905, Hirc 1914, Lusina 1936, 1939, 1941, 1956) 596 taxons are known of the vascular plants from the island of Unije. During the phytocenological investigations of the vegetational cover of the island of Unije, another 30 taxons, new for its flora, have been discovered so that the flora of Unije known now counts total of 626 taxons