Provedeno je ispitivanje o utjecaju ambijentalne izloženosti cementnoj prašini. Uspoređivane su vrijednosti forsiranih ekspiratornih volumena kao i incidencija respiratornih bolesti u djece iz četiri škole različito udaljene od izvora onečišćenja. Na području škole najbliže tvornicama cementa onečišćenje zraka taložnom prašinom bilo je 3,5 puta a lebdećom prašinom 2,5 puta veće od dopuštenog. Druge dvije škole nalazile su se u području gdje je onečišćenje taložnom i lebdećom prašinom bilo za 50-100% niže, dok se četvrta škola nalazila na otoku u ambijentu koji se može smatrati čistim. Rezultati ispitivanja upućuju na to da djeca koja žive u području onečišćenom cementnom prašinom imaju nešto niže vrijednosti FVK% i FEV1% u usporedbi s djeco...
Ispitivana je učestalost azbestoze u jednom poduzeću azbestne-cementnih proizvoda. Detaljno je opisa...
AbstractThe ecological safety issues of building materials are the most important area nowadays. The...
Introduction: During the process of waste incineration, co-incineration and cement production, vario...
Provedeno je ispitivanje o utjecaju ambijentalne izloženosti cementnoj prašini. Uspoređivane su vrij...
U tri skupine dječaka i djevojčica jedne osnovne škole koji žive u tri područja na različitim udalje...
Background The respiratory system is the most vulnerable system in the cement industry. This study w...
The present study was done to assess cement dust exposure and its relationship to respiratory health...
This study aimed to investigate the risk of the respiratory epithelium in regards to occupational ex...
Background: A higher incidence of occupational diseases has been reported recently compared to the p...
The objective of the present study was to examine the possible health effects of the air pollution d...
The respiratory system is the cement industry's most weak organ. Air pollution, with a range of hea...
Background: Few studies have been carried out on acute effects of cement dust exposure. This study i...
Background: Even in the twenty-first century, millions of people are working daily in a dusty envir...
Objective: To determine associations between cement dust on one hand and occurrence of respiratory ...
Background: The respiratory system is the most vulnerable system in the cement industry. This study ...
Ispitivana je učestalost azbestoze u jednom poduzeću azbestne-cementnih proizvoda. Detaljno je opisa...
AbstractThe ecological safety issues of building materials are the most important area nowadays. The...
Introduction: During the process of waste incineration, co-incineration and cement production, vario...
Provedeno je ispitivanje o utjecaju ambijentalne izloženosti cementnoj prašini. Uspoređivane su vrij...
U tri skupine dječaka i djevojčica jedne osnovne škole koji žive u tri područja na različitim udalje...
Background The respiratory system is the most vulnerable system in the cement industry. This study w...
The present study was done to assess cement dust exposure and its relationship to respiratory health...
This study aimed to investigate the risk of the respiratory epithelium in regards to occupational ex...
Background: A higher incidence of occupational diseases has been reported recently compared to the p...
The objective of the present study was to examine the possible health effects of the air pollution d...
The respiratory system is the cement industry's most weak organ. Air pollution, with a range of hea...
Background: Few studies have been carried out on acute effects of cement dust exposure. This study i...
Background: Even in the twenty-first century, millions of people are working daily in a dusty envir...
Objective: To determine associations between cement dust on one hand and occurrence of respiratory ...
Background: The respiratory system is the most vulnerable system in the cement industry. This study ...
Ispitivana je učestalost azbestoze u jednom poduzeću azbestne-cementnih proizvoda. Detaljno je opisa...
AbstractThe ecological safety issues of building materials are the most important area nowadays. The...
Introduction: During the process of waste incineration, co-incineration and cement production, vario...