AbstractFor each completely distributive lattice L with order-reversing involution, the fuzzy real line R(L) is uniformizable by a uniformity which both generates the canonical (fuzzy) topology and induces a pseudometric generating the canonical topology. If L is also a chain, the usual addition and multiplication defined on R R({0, 1}) extend jointly (fuzzy) continuously to ⊕ and ⊙ on R(L). Three fundamental questions in fuzzy sets until now are:Question A. If L1≅L2, is R(L1) uniformly isomorphic to R(L2) in some sense?Question B. For each chain L, is ⊕ (jointly) uniformly continuous in a sense which guarantees its (joint) continuity on R(L)?Question C. Is R(L) a complete pseudometric space in some sense? We construct categories QU and U...