AbstractA subsemigroup S of a semigroup Q is a local left order in Q if, for every group H-class H of Q, S∩H is a left order in H in the sense of group theory. That is, every q∈H can be written as a♯b for some a,b∈S∩H, where a♯ denotes the group inverse of a in H. On the other hand, S is a left order in Q and Q is a semigroup of left quotients of S if every element of Q can be written as c♯d where c,d∈S and if, in addition, every element of S that is square cancellable lies in a subgroup of Q. If one also insists that c and d can be chosen such that cRd in Q, then S is said to be a straight left order in Q.This paper investigates the close relation between local left orders and straight left orders in a semigroup Q and gives some quite gene...