Due to the limit in speedup of clock speed, most modern computers now sport multicore chips to provide computing power. Currently, programming language support for such machines often consists of extensions to languages that were originally designed to be sequential. New programming models and languages are needed that are parallel by design. One class of such languages are actor- (and active object) based languages and one such language is Encore, a new actor based language currently under development. When developing a programming language it is often important to compare the performance of the language with other well-known and proven languages in the same paradigm. This thesis compares the concurrency and parallelism performance of Enco...
There are several APIs (C+11, TBB, OpenMPI,... ) that properly support code parallelism in any of t...
As CPU chips integrate more processor cores, computer systems are evolving from multi-core to many-c...
International audienceTo program parallel systems efficiently and easily, a wide range of programmin...
Due to the limit in speedup of clock speed, most modern computers now sport multicore chips to provi...
Parallel programming has become ubiquitous and more than a preference, it is a necessity for utilizi...
The actor paradigm supports the natural expression of concurrency. It has inspired the development o...
The majority of CPUs used in general purpose computers have multiple cores. Manyof the programming l...
Along with the development of multicore architectures and cloud computing, concurrent programming an...
Dissertation in Computer Science to be publicly examined in Häggsalen, Ångströmlaboratoriet, Uppsala...
Around year 2005 the hardware industry hit a power wall. It was no longer possible to drastically in...
Good concurrent software is a necessity today, as concurrent architectures have become commonplace. ...
Today most computers have powerful multi core processors that can perform many calculations simultan...
To program parallel systems efficiently and easily, a wide range of programming models have been pro...
There are several APIs (C+11, TBB, OpenMPI,... ) that properly support code parallelism in any of t...
We argue that the ability to model shared objects with changing local states, dynamic reconfigurab...
There are several APIs (C+11, TBB, OpenMPI,... ) that properly support code parallelism in any of t...
As CPU chips integrate more processor cores, computer systems are evolving from multi-core to many-c...
International audienceTo program parallel systems efficiently and easily, a wide range of programmin...
Due to the limit in speedup of clock speed, most modern computers now sport multicore chips to provi...
Parallel programming has become ubiquitous and more than a preference, it is a necessity for utilizi...
The actor paradigm supports the natural expression of concurrency. It has inspired the development o...
The majority of CPUs used in general purpose computers have multiple cores. Manyof the programming l...
Along with the development of multicore architectures and cloud computing, concurrent programming an...
Dissertation in Computer Science to be publicly examined in Häggsalen, Ångströmlaboratoriet, Uppsala...
Around year 2005 the hardware industry hit a power wall. It was no longer possible to drastically in...
Good concurrent software is a necessity today, as concurrent architectures have become commonplace. ...
Today most computers have powerful multi core processors that can perform many calculations simultan...
To program parallel systems efficiently and easily, a wide range of programming models have been pro...
There are several APIs (C+11, TBB, OpenMPI,... ) that properly support code parallelism in any of t...
We argue that the ability to model shared objects with changing local states, dynamic reconfigurab...
There are several APIs (C+11, TBB, OpenMPI,... ) that properly support code parallelism in any of t...
As CPU chips integrate more processor cores, computer systems are evolving from multi-core to many-c...
International audienceTo program parallel systems efficiently and easily, a wide range of programmin...