End-of-Waste Criteria for Construction & Demolition Waste

  • Hjelmar, Ole
  • Hansen, Jette Bjerre
  • Wahlström, Margareta
  • Wik, Ola
Publication date
January 2016
Nordic Council of Ministers


This report presents the situation within the Nordic countries with respect to production and recycling of construction and demolition waste, in particular crushed concrete, in the form of aggregates, and discusses the conditions and requirements relating to environmental impacts for a possible application of the End-of-Waste option in the Waste Framework Directive. If this option is applied, the material may become a product and it will no longer be regulated by waste legislation. Regulation of crushed concrete under product legislation presents a number of challenges, particularly with respect to environmental protection. The report presents and proposes a methodology for the setting of leaching and risk-based criteria to be fulfilled by ...

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