This presentation mediates a study that is a part of a larger study about teacher’s assessment of dance knowledge in upper secondary schools in Sweden. The purpose of this specific part- study is to define how dance knowledge is seen and valued by teachers teaching in dance and how teachers are assessing dance knowledge based on current syllabuses. There is a need for scientific research about curriculum assessment in dance (Blumenfeld-Jones & Liang, 2007). Assessment in dance in Swedish upper secondary schools is a non-researched area and is important to increased requirement upon assessment.Theoretical and methodology frameworkThe study is based on phenomenological philosophy. A phenomenological way of thinking allows that human beings ar...
In this hermeneutical study, I examined how five upper secondary students experienced a self-develop...
The study aims to examine teachers' views of dance as an educational tool. The study will present fo...
This study problematizes becoming early childhood teachers' possibilities to develop knowledge relev...
This presentation mediates a study that is a part of a larger study about teacher’s assessment of da...
This presentation mediates a study that is a part of a larger study about teacher’s assessment of da...
The aim of this study is to describe and explore the phenomenon of assessment in dance education wit...
This article includes a study that examines how formative assessment in dance education is constitut...
Syftet med denna studie är att få kunskap om hur sex danslärare uppfattar sitt arbete med bedömning ...
Dance pedagogy is an under-researched field. Much of the research within a Swedish school context fo...
The purpose with this report is to describe and analyze how dance-teachers and dance-educationalists...
Knowledge is a concept system to structuralise our experience, and the form of knowledge has been di...
Abstract Title: The dance-teacher body as a sounding board - a hermeneutic phenomenological study ab...
In Australia, dance is one subject in the National Arts Curriculum for early childhood and primary e...
In this hermeneutical study, I examined how five upper secondary students experienced a self-develop...
The study aims to examine teachers' views of dance as an educational tool. The study will present fo...
This study problematizes becoming early childhood teachers' possibilities to develop knowledge relev...
This presentation mediates a study that is a part of a larger study about teacher’s assessment of da...
This presentation mediates a study that is a part of a larger study about teacher’s assessment of da...
The aim of this study is to describe and explore the phenomenon of assessment in dance education wit...
This article includes a study that examines how formative assessment in dance education is constitut...
Syftet med denna studie är att få kunskap om hur sex danslärare uppfattar sitt arbete med bedömning ...
Dance pedagogy is an under-researched field. Much of the research within a Swedish school context fo...
The purpose with this report is to describe and analyze how dance-teachers and dance-educationalists...
Knowledge is a concept system to structuralise our experience, and the form of knowledge has been di...
Abstract Title: The dance-teacher body as a sounding board - a hermeneutic phenomenological study ab...
In Australia, dance is one subject in the National Arts Curriculum for early childhood and primary e...
In this hermeneutical study, I examined how five upper secondary students experienced a self-develop...
The study aims to examine teachers' views of dance as an educational tool. The study will present fo...
This study problematizes becoming early childhood teachers' possibilities to develop knowledge relev...