This paper presents an improved numerical strategy for the broadband analysis of wave propagation in composite or complex cross-sectional waveguides using the wave finite element method (WFE). Numerical analysis of such structures require highly discretized finite element models and leads to extensive computations. The proposed formulation relies on a projection of the cross-sectional transfer matrices on a reduced set of shape functions associated to propagating waves. Dispersion curves are then predicted only using a reduced number of eigenvectors. The performances and stability of this method are evaluated using the wavenumbers and wave shapes. Validations are provided for a sandwich composite beam and a cylindrical elasto-acoustic waveg...
The identification of structural damage in composite waveguides is a critical issue in aerospace and...
A spectral finite element model (SFEM) for analysis of coupled broadband wave propagation in composi...
The present work shows many aspects concerning the use of the wave methodology for the response com...
This paper presents an improved numerical strategy for the broadband analysis of wave propagation in...
Modelling the dynamic and acoustic behaviour of structurally advanced components (e.g. composites, l...
A method is described by which the dispersion relations for a two-dimensional structural component c...
A method is described by which the dispersion relations for a two-dimensional structural component c...
This paper investigates the use of a wave-based method in the framework of structural optimisation o...
The present formulation is based on the Semi-Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) method. This numerical...
The design of periodic layered structures with desired wave dispersion characteristics is a subject ...
A robust procedure for the prediction of the dynamic response of layered panels within a SEA wave-co...
In this paper, a reduced formulation for the Wave Finite Element Method is used to study wave disper...
One approach to the numerical analysis of complex waveguides is the Wave Finite Element (WFE) method...
In this article, a method allowing vibro-acoustic and ultrasonic wave propagation analysis of highly...
The generality and complexity of laminated structures raises issues regarding modelling their dynami...
The identification of structural damage in composite waveguides is a critical issue in aerospace and...
A spectral finite element model (SFEM) for analysis of coupled broadband wave propagation in composi...
The present work shows many aspects concerning the use of the wave methodology for the response com...
This paper presents an improved numerical strategy for the broadband analysis of wave propagation in...
Modelling the dynamic and acoustic behaviour of structurally advanced components (e.g. composites, l...
A method is described by which the dispersion relations for a two-dimensional structural component c...
A method is described by which the dispersion relations for a two-dimensional structural component c...
This paper investigates the use of a wave-based method in the framework of structural optimisation o...
The present formulation is based on the Semi-Analytical Finite Element (SAFE) method. This numerical...
The design of periodic layered structures with desired wave dispersion characteristics is a subject ...
A robust procedure for the prediction of the dynamic response of layered panels within a SEA wave-co...
In this paper, a reduced formulation for the Wave Finite Element Method is used to study wave disper...
One approach to the numerical analysis of complex waveguides is the Wave Finite Element (WFE) method...
In this article, a method allowing vibro-acoustic and ultrasonic wave propagation analysis of highly...
The generality and complexity of laminated structures raises issues regarding modelling their dynami...
The identification of structural damage in composite waveguides is a critical issue in aerospace and...
A spectral finite element model (SFEM) for analysis of coupled broadband wave propagation in composi...
The present work shows many aspects concerning the use of the wave methodology for the response com...