With the increasing number of active elderly in our society, healthy aging has become a main priority for policy makers, clinicians and researchers. Although research of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying aging has taken leaps forwards in recent years, developing effective treatments to ensure quality of life up to advanced age remains one of the biggest challenges in biomedical research today. Animal research models are indispensable in solving this complex puzzle, and research using the zebrafish has definitely gained popularity over the past decade. Owing to their relatively short life span, processes of gradual aging can be studied in a reasonable time window, while the extensive characterization of its well-conserved molecula...
Purpose: Developing effective treatments for age-related neuropathies is one of the major challenges...
AbstractThe incidence of diseases increases rapidly with age, accompanied by progressive deteriorati...
J D Best, Wendy K AldertonSummit (Cambridge) Ltd., Beach Drive, Cambridge, UKAbstract: As the popula...
Considering the increasing number of elderly in the world’s population today, developing effective t...
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are an emerging model for studying human aging. Zebrafish share similar sene...
The zebrafish has emerged over the past decade as a major model system for the study of development ...
Since adult mammals lack the capacity to regenerate lost or damaged neurons, age-related deteriorati...
<p>All the biomarkers shown are able to discriminate two age groups. The data were collected from di...
Cancer is a disease of the elderly, and old age is its largest risk factor. With age, DNA damage acc...
Since adult mammals lack the capacity to regenerate lost or damaged neurons, age-related deteriorati...
Cancer is a disease of the elderly, and old age is its largest risk factor. With age, DNA damage acc...
The development of effective treatments for age-related neurodegenerative diseases remains one of th...
Purpose: Today, a growing number of elderly suffers from neurodegenerative pathologies, seriously im...
Purpose: As adult mammals lack the capacity to regenerate lost or damaged neurons, age-related deter...
Cancer is a disease of the elderly, and old age is its largest risk factor. With age, DNA damage acc...
Purpose: Developing effective treatments for age-related neuropathies is one of the major challenges...
AbstractThe incidence of diseases increases rapidly with age, accompanied by progressive deteriorati...
J D Best, Wendy K AldertonSummit (Cambridge) Ltd., Beach Drive, Cambridge, UKAbstract: As the popula...
Considering the increasing number of elderly in the world’s population today, developing effective t...
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are an emerging model for studying human aging. Zebrafish share similar sene...
The zebrafish has emerged over the past decade as a major model system for the study of development ...
Since adult mammals lack the capacity to regenerate lost or damaged neurons, age-related deteriorati...
<p>All the biomarkers shown are able to discriminate two age groups. The data were collected from di...
Cancer is a disease of the elderly, and old age is its largest risk factor. With age, DNA damage acc...
Since adult mammals lack the capacity to regenerate lost or damaged neurons, age-related deteriorati...
Cancer is a disease of the elderly, and old age is its largest risk factor. With age, DNA damage acc...
The development of effective treatments for age-related neurodegenerative diseases remains one of th...
Purpose: Today, a growing number of elderly suffers from neurodegenerative pathologies, seriously im...
Purpose: As adult mammals lack the capacity to regenerate lost or damaged neurons, age-related deter...
Cancer is a disease of the elderly, and old age is its largest risk factor. With age, DNA damage acc...
Purpose: Developing effective treatments for age-related neuropathies is one of the major challenges...
AbstractThe incidence of diseases increases rapidly with age, accompanied by progressive deteriorati...
J D Best, Wendy K AldertonSummit (Cambridge) Ltd., Beach Drive, Cambridge, UKAbstract: As the popula...