Diplomityössä luodaan keinotekoinen neuroverkkomalli uimahallien vuosittaisen energi-ankulutuksen laskemiseksi. Neuroverkon syötteinä käytettiin saatuja tietoja uimahallin taloteknisistä järjestelmistä ja dimensioista. Neuroverkko opetettiin käyttäen suomalai-sista uimahalleista kerättyjä vuosikulutustietoja sekä saatavilla olleita tietoja uimahallien teknisistä järjestelmistä, dimensioista ja käytöstä. Tietoja kerättiin VTT:n ylläpitämästä uimahalliportaalista, Aalto-yliopiston rakennusfysiikan tutkimusryhmän aikaisemmista tutkimuksista ja kyselyn avulla. Neuroverkon opetuksessa käytettiin vuosien 2008 - 2013 kulutustietoja. Aluksi etsittiin neuroverkolle optimaalinen syöteyhdistelmä käytössä olleista tiedoista alaspäin askelluksella. Tämä...
The world’s highest energy consumer (HC) countries currently constitute around 62% of the world ener...
A reliable preliminary forecast of heating energy demand of a building by using a detailed dynamic s...
There are several ways to attempt to model a building and its heat gains from external sources as we...
Neural networks have become increasingly adopted in society over the last few years. As neural netwo...
The energy performance is a relevant matter in the life cycle management of buildings in order to gu...
The reliable assessment of building energy performance requires significant computational times. The...
Abstract: Energy consumption has been increasing steadily due to globalization and industrialization...
This paper aims to develop an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the energy consumption and ...
The energy efficiency dataset used to support the findings of this study has been deposited in the G...
Tutkimuksessa käytettiin neuroverkkolaskentaa kaukolämpöverkon tilan estimoinnissa. Tilastopohjaisen...
Turkey does not have petrol and natural gas reserves on a large scale. National energy resources are...
Energetske mikromreže imaju fleksibilan sastav, kompleksne mehanizme aktivnosti i veliku količinu po...
Turkey does not have petrol and natural gas reserves on a large scale. National energy resources are...
Development of smart HVAC systems is in the forefront of actions advancing low-carbon built environm...
How to predict building energy performance with low computational times and good reliability? The st...
The world’s highest energy consumer (HC) countries currently constitute around 62% of the world ener...
A reliable preliminary forecast of heating energy demand of a building by using a detailed dynamic s...
There are several ways to attempt to model a building and its heat gains from external sources as we...
Neural networks have become increasingly adopted in society over the last few years. As neural netwo...
The energy performance is a relevant matter in the life cycle management of buildings in order to gu...
The reliable assessment of building energy performance requires significant computational times. The...
Abstract: Energy consumption has been increasing steadily due to globalization and industrialization...
This paper aims to develop an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the energy consumption and ...
The energy efficiency dataset used to support the findings of this study has been deposited in the G...
Tutkimuksessa käytettiin neuroverkkolaskentaa kaukolämpöverkon tilan estimoinnissa. Tilastopohjaisen...
Turkey does not have petrol and natural gas reserves on a large scale. National energy resources are...
Energetske mikromreže imaju fleksibilan sastav, kompleksne mehanizme aktivnosti i veliku količinu po...
Turkey does not have petrol and natural gas reserves on a large scale. National energy resources are...
Development of smart HVAC systems is in the forefront of actions advancing low-carbon built environm...
How to predict building energy performance with low computational times and good reliability? The st...
The world’s highest energy consumer (HC) countries currently constitute around 62% of the world ener...
A reliable preliminary forecast of heating energy demand of a building by using a detailed dynamic s...
There are several ways to attempt to model a building and its heat gains from external sources as we...