Accurate control of a quantum system is complicated to achieve partly due to the system being coupled to its surrounding environment. The coupling induces dissipation and decoherence not only destroying the coherent quantum state but making the application of control unpredictable. When the control results from manipulation of external fields, it is usually referred to as driving and its joint effect with decoherence constitutes an active field of study in reduced-density-operator theory. Recently, this field has been pushed forward by its necessity in simulating Cooper pair pumping where the geometric nature of quantum evolution allows for controlled transport of charge carriers in superconducting circuits. Such circuits themselves are und...
16.10.2020 18:00 – 22:00 via Zoom resonators are harmo...
Mesoscopic physics and nanoelectronics concentrate on systems with dimensions somewhere between atom...
Decoherence is a quantum-mechanical phenomenon severely limiting quantum information processing and ...
Accurate control of a quantum system is complicated to achieve partly due to the system being couple...
A doctoral dissertation completed for the degree of Doctor of Science (Technology) to be defended, ...
In circuit quantum electrodynamics the coherence of Cooper pairs in superconductors is employed to c...
In the utilization of quantum information, it is essential to control the quantum register accuratel...
Superconducting circuits and devices have unique properties that make them interesting from both the...
Defence is held on 13.8.2021 13:00 – 17:00 via remote technology (Zoom),
Microscopic systems exhibit many intriguing quantum mechanical phenomena which cannot be explained b...
One of the most outstanding emerging applications of quantum mechanics is a large-scale universal qu...
Quantum computing and quantum information science are two recently discovered and rapidly growing fi...
The vulnerability of quantum information to decoherence requires active intervention to prevent logi...
Quantum computation and quantum communication are two of the most promising future applications of q...
A quantum-circuit refrigerator draws energy from the quantum electric degrees of freedom of a couple...
16.10.2020 18:00 – 22:00 via Zoom resonators are harmo...
Mesoscopic physics and nanoelectronics concentrate on systems with dimensions somewhere between atom...
Decoherence is a quantum-mechanical phenomenon severely limiting quantum information processing and ...
Accurate control of a quantum system is complicated to achieve partly due to the system being couple...
A doctoral dissertation completed for the degree of Doctor of Science (Technology) to be defended, ...
In circuit quantum electrodynamics the coherence of Cooper pairs in superconductors is employed to c...
In the utilization of quantum information, it is essential to control the quantum register accuratel...
Superconducting circuits and devices have unique properties that make them interesting from both the...
Defence is held on 13.8.2021 13:00 – 17:00 via remote technology (Zoom),
Microscopic systems exhibit many intriguing quantum mechanical phenomena which cannot be explained b...
One of the most outstanding emerging applications of quantum mechanics is a large-scale universal qu...
Quantum computing and quantum information science are two recently discovered and rapidly growing fi...
The vulnerability of quantum information to decoherence requires active intervention to prevent logi...
Quantum computation and quantum communication are two of the most promising future applications of q...
A quantum-circuit refrigerator draws energy from the quantum electric degrees of freedom of a couple...
16.10.2020 18:00 – 22:00 via Zoom resonators are harmo...
Mesoscopic physics and nanoelectronics concentrate on systems with dimensions somewhere between atom...
Decoherence is a quantum-mechanical phenomenon severely limiting quantum information processing and ...