Hajautetun työskentelyn vaatimukset ja hyvinvointitekijät

  • Kokko, Niina
  • Vartiainen, Matti
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Publication date
January 2006
Teknillinen korkeakoulu


The aim of this study is to find out the requirements on individuals in geographically dispersed, virtual collaboration work, their effects on well-being and needed coping mechanisms in operations. In the analysis of the qualitative interview material, we strive to find previously unidentified virtual specific stress and well-being factors and coping mechanisms related to them. With a questionnaire study we will try to find out the connection between mental stress factors and felt stress and job satisfaction. The research answers the following questions: Which requirement and stress factors characterize virtual, dispersed working? How is dispersed working experienced from the point of view of well-being? How are the requirement and stress...

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