Observations of five Jovian satellite eclipses were obtained during February, March, and April 1971 ...
Review of commercial aircraft technology and potential application to space shuttl
A laboratory experiment was conducted to quantify the annoyance of people to the flyover noise of ad...
List of spacecraft and other artificial objects in space as of 31 March 1966, and list of decayed ob...
Data tables of objects in orbit and decayed objects - code name, catalogue number, source, launch da...
Satellite situation report - source, launch date, inclination, apogee, perigee, and transmitting fre...
The Human Occupied Space Teleoperator (HOST) system currently under development utilizes a flexible ...
The three-dimensional finite element modeling techniques developed for the thermal analysis of a hyp...
Papers are reported which were presented at the conference in the areas of displays, ride qualities ...
Viewgraphs and charts from a briefing summarize the accomplishments, results, conclusions, and recom...
Hard X-rays and gamma rays carry the most direct evidence available for the roles of accelerated par...
Space Transportation System assumptions, trades, manifesting, buildup, characteristics, and ground o...
Adaptability of Lunar Orbiter to surface experiments using flyby and earth return trajector
Primary avionics software system; software development approach; user support and problem diagnosis;...
The Space Station Flight Telerobotic Servicer (FTS) and its human-machine interaction issues are des...
Observations of five Jovian satellite eclipses were obtained during February, March, and April 1971 ...
Review of commercial aircraft technology and potential application to space shuttl
A laboratory experiment was conducted to quantify the annoyance of people to the flyover noise of ad...
List of spacecraft and other artificial objects in space as of 31 March 1966, and list of decayed ob...
Data tables of objects in orbit and decayed objects - code name, catalogue number, source, launch da...
Satellite situation report - source, launch date, inclination, apogee, perigee, and transmitting fre...
The Human Occupied Space Teleoperator (HOST) system currently under development utilizes a flexible ...
The three-dimensional finite element modeling techniques developed for the thermal analysis of a hyp...
Papers are reported which were presented at the conference in the areas of displays, ride qualities ...
Viewgraphs and charts from a briefing summarize the accomplishments, results, conclusions, and recom...
Hard X-rays and gamma rays carry the most direct evidence available for the roles of accelerated par...
Space Transportation System assumptions, trades, manifesting, buildup, characteristics, and ground o...
Adaptability of Lunar Orbiter to surface experiments using flyby and earth return trajector
Primary avionics software system; software development approach; user support and problem diagnosis;...
The Space Station Flight Telerobotic Servicer (FTS) and its human-machine interaction issues are des...
Observations of five Jovian satellite eclipses were obtained during February, March, and April 1971 ...
Review of commercial aircraft technology and potential application to space shuttl
A laboratory experiment was conducted to quantify the annoyance of people to the flyover noise of ad...