Alternative types of communication systems for deep space probes and extent of aid spacecraft can pr...
A variety of sources of detailed information has been analyzed to arrive at a geoid power spectrum f...
The temperature dependence of absorption coefficients of ozone was studied between 7567 A and 3630 A...
Scintillation, polarization, and multipath effects on VHF propagation between synchronous satellites...
A pre-entry communications study is presented for a relay link between a Jupiter entry probe and a s...
Line and band models for infrared spectral absorption are discussed. Radiative transmittance and int...
Survey of very high and ultrahigh frequency utilization in US aeronautics for communication satellit...
The feasibility of classifying an airport terminal area for multipath effects, i.e., fadeout potenti...
A theoretical propagation model that represents the scattering properties of an inhomogeneous rain o...
Radar altimetry and satellite-to-satellite (SST) range and range rate tracking measurements were use...
High rate multiplexes asymmetry and jitter, data-dependent amplitude variations, and transition dens...
Imaging radar was evaluated as an adjunct to conventional petroleum exploration techniques, especial...
Advanced studies are reviewed. Atmospheric sciences, magnetospheric physics, solar physics, gravitat...
Study of design for experimental L band supersonic transport communications/surveillance termina
A series of microwave measurements was conducted to determine the radar cross section of the Space S...
Alternative types of communication systems for deep space probes and extent of aid spacecraft can pr...
A variety of sources of detailed information has been analyzed to arrive at a geoid power spectrum f...
The temperature dependence of absorption coefficients of ozone was studied between 7567 A and 3630 A...
Scintillation, polarization, and multipath effects on VHF propagation between synchronous satellites...
A pre-entry communications study is presented for a relay link between a Jupiter entry probe and a s...
Line and band models for infrared spectral absorption are discussed. Radiative transmittance and int...
Survey of very high and ultrahigh frequency utilization in US aeronautics for communication satellit...
The feasibility of classifying an airport terminal area for multipath effects, i.e., fadeout potenti...
A theoretical propagation model that represents the scattering properties of an inhomogeneous rain o...
Radar altimetry and satellite-to-satellite (SST) range and range rate tracking measurements were use...
High rate multiplexes asymmetry and jitter, data-dependent amplitude variations, and transition dens...
Imaging radar was evaluated as an adjunct to conventional petroleum exploration techniques, especial...
Advanced studies are reviewed. Atmospheric sciences, magnetospheric physics, solar physics, gravitat...
Study of design for experimental L band supersonic transport communications/surveillance termina
A series of microwave measurements was conducted to determine the radar cross section of the Space S...
Alternative types of communication systems for deep space probes and extent of aid spacecraft can pr...
A variety of sources of detailed information has been analyzed to arrive at a geoid power spectrum f...
The temperature dependence of absorption coefficients of ozone was studied between 7567 A and 3630 A...