We present descriptions of a new order (Ranunculo cortusifolii-Geranietalia reuteri) and of a new alliance (Stachyo lusitanicae-Cheirolophion sempervirentis) for the herbaceous fringe communities of Macaronesia and of the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, respectively. A new alliance, the Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (mesophilous post-cultural grasslands), was introduced for the Peninsular Italy. We further validate and typify the Armerietalia rumelicae (perennial grasslands supported by nutrient-poor soils on siliceous bedrocks at elevations characterized by the submediterranean climate of south-central Balkan Peninsula), the Securigero-Dasypyrion villosae (lawn and fallow-land tall-grass annual vegetation of Italy), and the Cirsio ...
Abstract. This study provides an update of our phytosociological knowledge of the vegetation of the...
Abstract In this paper a phytosociological study on the dry grasslands of the Cornicolani mountains...
Fiorisuie characten/oties, syntaxomomonsy and synecolagy of grasslands of the order Ro-someto//o ere...
The anthropogenic therophitic grasslands dominated by tall Poaceae of Italy were recently included i...
Rocky pastures dominated by Stipa austroitalica in the south-east of Italy were classified within an...
A phytosociological study of the Arrhenatherum elatius grasslands of central Italy is here presented...
This study provides the first contribution to the knowledge of the non-calcareous grasslands of the ...
Aims: This paper reports a syntaxonomic and nomenclatural revision of the high-altitude acidophilous...
This study provides the first contribution to the knowledge of the non-calcareous grasslands of the ...
Abstract The grasslands dominated by Bromus erectus and/or Brachypodium rupestre cov...
Proposte sintassonomiche e nomenclaturali per la vegetazione della Tundra alpina. Il capitolo riguar...
The nomenclature history of the Seslerietalia apenninae, Seslerion apenninae and Seslerietum apennin...
This paper aims to revise the phytosociological nomenclature of the Quercus cerris woods occurring i...
3noNew syntaxa of different hierarchical levels are here described in order to update the “Syntaxono...
In the course of the project \u201cSyntaxonomic checklist of the Italian classes, orders and allianc...
Abstract. This study provides an update of our phytosociological knowledge of the vegetation of the...
Abstract In this paper a phytosociological study on the dry grasslands of the Cornicolani mountains...
Fiorisuie characten/oties, syntaxomomonsy and synecolagy of grasslands of the order Ro-someto//o ere...
The anthropogenic therophitic grasslands dominated by tall Poaceae of Italy were recently included i...
Rocky pastures dominated by Stipa austroitalica in the south-east of Italy were classified within an...
A phytosociological study of the Arrhenatherum elatius grasslands of central Italy is here presented...
This study provides the first contribution to the knowledge of the non-calcareous grasslands of the ...
Aims: This paper reports a syntaxonomic and nomenclatural revision of the high-altitude acidophilous...
This study provides the first contribution to the knowledge of the non-calcareous grasslands of the ...
Abstract The grasslands dominated by Bromus erectus and/or Brachypodium rupestre cov...
Proposte sintassonomiche e nomenclaturali per la vegetazione della Tundra alpina. Il capitolo riguar...
The nomenclature history of the Seslerietalia apenninae, Seslerion apenninae and Seslerietum apennin...
This paper aims to revise the phytosociological nomenclature of the Quercus cerris woods occurring i...
3noNew syntaxa of different hierarchical levels are here described in order to update the “Syntaxono...
In the course of the project \u201cSyntaxonomic checklist of the Italian classes, orders and allianc...
Abstract. This study provides an update of our phytosociological knowledge of the vegetation of the...
Abstract In this paper a phytosociological study on the dry grasslands of the Cornicolani mountains...
Fiorisuie characten/oties, syntaxomomonsy and synecolagy of grasslands of the order Ro-someto//o ere...