The frontiers of solid-state devices and integrated circuits are moving towards higher frequencies, output powers and efficiencies. There is also increasing emphasis on the development of optoelectronic devices. In this endeavour InP-based devices are playing a major role. These devices include TEDs, IMPATTS, MISFETs on the one hand and LED, lasers, solar cells and photodetectors on the other. The latest on the scene are devices based on'heterostructures and two-dimensional transport such as HBTs and HEMTs. This review highlights salient differences between InP and GaAs commencing with crystal growth, defect and surface properties and discusses some recent results on MISFETS, radiation-resistant solar cells, HEMTs and HBTs. The relatio...
InP-based materials were grown by MOCVD. Carbon was used as p-type dopant for InGaAs. Growth conditi...
Photovoltaic devices developed for most thermophotovoltaic (TPV) applications have bandgaps ranging ...
The present contribution is concerned with the highly lattice-mismatched growth of InPon GaAs-substr...
The frontiers of solid-state devices and integrated circuits are moving towards higher frequencies, ...
While InP and the related (lattice matched) compounds are now well established in long wavelength (1...
The application of Chemical Beam Epitaxy (CBE) to InP based devices was investigated with particular...
A range of optical, electrical and radiation techniques were used to study the performance of GaAs a...
electro-optics/electronics MM-wave cA, Power MISFET monolithic indium phosphide 19. ABSTRACT (C mmwv...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, ...
Metamorphic heterojunction bipolar transistor (MHBT) technology is attractive as it offers many adv...
The correlation among the design, growth, fabrication, and testing of high performance III-V electro...
InP-based heterostructure field effect transistors (HFETs) have, over the past several years, demons...
InP based compound semiconductor materials were grown and characterized using low pressure metalorga...
The theoretical predictions for the performance of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) have be...
Parallèlement à l'optoélectronique 1,3 - 1,5 µm, et grâce à des propriétés de transport électronique...
InP-based materials were grown by MOCVD. Carbon was used as p-type dopant for InGaAs. Growth conditi...
Photovoltaic devices developed for most thermophotovoltaic (TPV) applications have bandgaps ranging ...
The present contribution is concerned with the highly lattice-mismatched growth of InPon GaAs-substr...
The frontiers of solid-state devices and integrated circuits are moving towards higher frequencies, ...
While InP and the related (lattice matched) compounds are now well established in long wavelength (1...
The application of Chemical Beam Epitaxy (CBE) to InP based devices was investigated with particular...
A range of optical, electrical and radiation techniques were used to study the performance of GaAs a...
electro-optics/electronics MM-wave cA, Power MISFET monolithic indium phosphide 19. ABSTRACT (C mmwv...
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, ...
Metamorphic heterojunction bipolar transistor (MHBT) technology is attractive as it offers many adv...
The correlation among the design, growth, fabrication, and testing of high performance III-V electro...
InP-based heterostructure field effect transistors (HFETs) have, over the past several years, demons...
InP based compound semiconductor materials were grown and characterized using low pressure metalorga...
The theoretical predictions for the performance of Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) have be...
Parallèlement à l'optoélectronique 1,3 - 1,5 µm, et grâce à des propriétés de transport électronique...
InP-based materials were grown by MOCVD. Carbon was used as p-type dopant for InGaAs. Growth conditi...
Photovoltaic devices developed for most thermophotovoltaic (TPV) applications have bandgaps ranging ...
The present contribution is concerned with the highly lattice-mismatched growth of InPon GaAs-substr...