Fish stock asscssment makes widespread use of Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) and long-term cquilibrium prcdiction modcls. Although thcrc have becn somc statistical investigations about thc propcrties of VPA rcsults, apparcntly thcre arc no completc analyse about prcdictions statistical and numerical bchaviour. However, management dccisions gencrally rely upon production forccasts. This papcr compares stability propcrtics of VPA and the yicld per rccruit modcl lvith regard to various errors conccrning al1 the input parameters. Robustncss is asscsscd by mcans of first-ordcr scnsitivitics uhcreas vsrianccs arc infcrrcd from delia-method cstimators. Sensitivity of yicld pcr rccruit appears to bc mainly duc to terminal mortality rate and age-...
In fisheries, advice for the management of fish populations is based upon management quantities that...
In the history of fish stock assessment two different approaches dominated. One using time series o...
Ecosystem-based fisheries management requires tools to place fish-stock dynamics in the broader cont...
Fish stock asscssment makes widespread use of Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) and long-term cquili...
Fish stock assessment makes Widespread use of Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) and long-term equili...
Virtual population analysis (VPA) is widely used in fish stock assessment. However, VPA results are ...
Virtual population analysis (VPA) is often used for assessing freshwater and marine fisheries resou...
natural mortality rate can cause spurious time trends in fish stock abundances estimated by virtual ...
Virtual population analysis (VPA) is a modeling technique commonly used in fisheries science for re...
The most methods currently used in temperate fisheries stock assessments rely on catch-at-age data ...
When discards data are included in fish stock assessments, it is generally assumed that all discarde...
their precision of fishing mortalities and stock sizes for the North Sea whiting stock.
Fisheries are the major driver for the changing in properties of both fished and unfished species, ...
In 2003, given an estimate of a spawning-stock biomass (Bsp) of 27% of the maximum sustainable yield...
This thesis presents research on an alternative spatial-temporal method of fish stock assessment. We...
In fisheries, advice for the management of fish populations is based upon management quantities that...
In the history of fish stock assessment two different approaches dominated. One using time series o...
Ecosystem-based fisheries management requires tools to place fish-stock dynamics in the broader cont...
Fish stock asscssment makes widespread use of Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) and long-term cquili...
Fish stock assessment makes Widespread use of Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) and long-term equili...
Virtual population analysis (VPA) is widely used in fish stock assessment. However, VPA results are ...
Virtual population analysis (VPA) is often used for assessing freshwater and marine fisheries resou...
natural mortality rate can cause spurious time trends in fish stock abundances estimated by virtual ...
Virtual population analysis (VPA) is a modeling technique commonly used in fisheries science for re...
The most methods currently used in temperate fisheries stock assessments rely on catch-at-age data ...
When discards data are included in fish stock assessments, it is generally assumed that all discarde...
their precision of fishing mortalities and stock sizes for the North Sea whiting stock.
Fisheries are the major driver for the changing in properties of both fished and unfished species, ...
In 2003, given an estimate of a spawning-stock biomass (Bsp) of 27% of the maximum sustainable yield...
This thesis presents research on an alternative spatial-temporal method of fish stock assessment. We...
In fisheries, advice for the management of fish populations is based upon management quantities that...
In the history of fish stock assessment two different approaches dominated. One using time series o...
Ecosystem-based fisheries management requires tools to place fish-stock dynamics in the broader cont...