Journal ofNeurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 1989;52:799-810 Letters

Publication date
October 2016


Seasonal variation in the incidence of photoparoxysmal discharges among patients investigated after a single seizure Sir: Among patients investigated after a single seizure, a recent study established that the incidence ofphotoparoxysmal discharges (PPD) was similar to that of clearly establi-shed epileptic patients suggesting that a single seizure was similarly associated with increased excitability of cortical neurons.' An earlier study observed a seasonal varia-tion in the incidence of PPD among British epileptic patients.2 Among known photosen-sitive patients, a seasonal variation has also-been observed in the incidence of PPD.3 I report an observation of a seasonal variation in the incidence of PPD among patients investigated afte...

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