Chiang Mai Med J 2011;50(1):23-29. Cases report Closed Flexor Tendon Ruptures of the Ulnar-Sided Fingers within

  • The H
Publication date
October 2016


Spontaneous ruptures of the fl exor tendons are considered to be uncommon conditions that generally occur after the tendon loses its tensile strength due to preexisting pathologies. The presenting symptoms; pain and weakness of grip strength, are not specifi c to this condition. The site of tendon rupture also is diffi cult to identify clinically. We recently treated fi ve patients who had closed rupture of the fl exor tendon of the ulnar-sided fi ngers within the hand and they presented inability to fl ex the little fi nger fully. They also experienced pain and discomfort during daily activities. These reported cases involved spontaneous tendon rupture involving the fl exor digitorum profundus of the ulnar digits. Three patients had identi...

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