ii In this work we obtain results related to H-sets, Katětov spaces, and H-closed exten-sions with countable remainder. As we shall see, these three areas are closely related but the results of each section carry their own definite flavor. Our first results concern finding cardinality bounds of H-sets in Urysohn spaces. In particular, a Urysohn space X is constructed which has an H-set A with |A |> 2ψ̄(X), where ψ̄(X) is the closed pseudocharacter of the space X. The space provides a coun-terexample to Fedeli’s question in [16]. In addition, it is demonstrated that there is no θ-continuous map from a compact Hausdorff space to the space X with the H-set A as the image, giving a Urysohn counterexample to Vermeer’s conjecture in [51]. Fin...