moonl ight, twil ight, and dayl ight a re a p p r o x-imated. Oxygen consumpt ion in the open system is m e a s u r e d by a Beckman polar iz ing oxygen ana lyzer and recorded on an ana log recor-der. Act ivi ty is cons tant ly moni to red on an even t recorder t h r o u g h t h e use of two photoconduct ive cells in the r u n w a y to indica te m o v e m e n t be tween the nest box and act iv i ty chamber and by a microswi tch on t h e act ivi ty whee l to indicate runn ing; addi t ional ly, ro ta t ions of t he w h e e l a re total led by an electr ic counter. The a p p a r a t u s has p roved to be successful in 24-hour de t e rmina t ions of bo th oxygen consumpt io
A high-resolution oxygraph is a device for measuring cellular oxygen consumption in a closed-chamber...
AbstractBreath-by-breath levels of O2 and CO2 may be used to determine human metabolic rate which, i...
Quantifying respiratory fluxes is important for understanding global carbon cycles, microbial popula...
Oxygen flux measurements are critical at low rates of. respiration and at oxygen tensions below air ...
1. An automatic respirometer is described which has been developed to measure the rate of oxygen con...
A thermostated respirometer chamber is described providing the mixing of the water volume under stud...
During an investigation into rhythmic fluctuations in metabolism, and into the long-term effects of ...
This study developed a portable, low‐cost field respirometer for measuring oxygen consumption rates ...
Metabolism is currently a very relevant and popular area of research in cell biology. Studying metab...
A 20-channel micro-respirometer is described which replaces oxygen consumed by the respiring organis...
Measurement of oxygen consumption is a powerful and uniquely informative experimental technique. It ...
An open-system respirometer for measuring steady-state oxygen uptake rate of aquatic animals is desc...
In order to determine the respiration rates of planktonic organisms, an electrode respirometer was d...
The primary aim of the research is to investigate about the respiratory activity (thermodynamics and...
In the last ten years, the use of fluorescent probes developed to measure oxygen has resulted in sev...
A high-resolution oxygraph is a device for measuring cellular oxygen consumption in a closed-chamber...
AbstractBreath-by-breath levels of O2 and CO2 may be used to determine human metabolic rate which, i...
Quantifying respiratory fluxes is important for understanding global carbon cycles, microbial popula...
Oxygen flux measurements are critical at low rates of. respiration and at oxygen tensions below air ...
1. An automatic respirometer is described which has been developed to measure the rate of oxygen con...
A thermostated respirometer chamber is described providing the mixing of the water volume under stud...
During an investigation into rhythmic fluctuations in metabolism, and into the long-term effects of ...
This study developed a portable, low‐cost field respirometer for measuring oxygen consumption rates ...
Metabolism is currently a very relevant and popular area of research in cell biology. Studying metab...
A 20-channel micro-respirometer is described which replaces oxygen consumed by the respiring organis...
Measurement of oxygen consumption is a powerful and uniquely informative experimental technique. It ...
An open-system respirometer for measuring steady-state oxygen uptake rate of aquatic animals is desc...
In order to determine the respiration rates of planktonic organisms, an electrode respirometer was d...
The primary aim of the research is to investigate about the respiratory activity (thermodynamics and...
In the last ten years, the use of fluorescent probes developed to measure oxygen has resulted in sev...
A high-resolution oxygraph is a device for measuring cellular oxygen consumption in a closed-chamber...
AbstractBreath-by-breath levels of O2 and CO2 may be used to determine human metabolic rate which, i...
Quantifying respiratory fluxes is important for understanding global carbon cycles, microbial popula...