When a risk factor influences the intermediary but not progression to the endpoint, it has been shown that the relative risk estimate for the causal intermediate is identical to that for the endpoint under a single pathway framework. When there are multiple pathways, the relative risk estimate for the endpoint is reduced. The authors examine how the reduction of the effect size from a risk factor's association with the causal intermediate to that with the endpoint relates to the proportion of endpoint cases arising through other pathways, and the measure of effect used. For multiple pathways, all measures of effect are reduced and the reduction increases as the proportion of endpoint cases arising through other pathways increases. For ...
In a recent issue of the Journal, VanderWeele and Vansteelandt (Am J Epidemiol. 2011;174(10):1197–12...
In survival analyses, competing risks are encountered where the subjects under study are at risk for...
Causal inference of exposure-response relations from data is a challenging aspect of risk assessment...
Two papers in this issue, by Wilson et al. (1) and Benichou et al. (2), highlight the use of attribu...
discusses aspects of causal analysis of epi-demiologic data. The main thrust of the first paper is t...
Item does not contain fulltextBACKGROUND: In studies of all-cause mortality, the fundamental epidemi...
For some diseases, there has been controversy about whether key risk factors are related linearly to...
<p>DIC score differences arising from the comparison of the full causal and reverse causal models, f...
<p>Deviance information criterion (DIC) score differences between two models are shown for a range o...
<p>DIC score differences between models are shown; positive values indicate that causal association ...
<p>Estimated effects of the risk factor for incidence only (A) and the risk factor for incidence and...
<p>Deviance information criterion (DIC) score differences between models are shown; positive values ...
An important scienti\u85c goal of studies in the health and social sciences is increasingly to deter...
Bradford Hill's considerations published in 1965 had an enormous influence on attempts to separ...
In previous articles of this series, we focused on relative risks and odds ratios as measures of eff...
In a recent issue of the Journal, VanderWeele and Vansteelandt (Am J Epidemiol. 2011;174(10):1197–12...
In survival analyses, competing risks are encountered where the subjects under study are at risk for...
Causal inference of exposure-response relations from data is a challenging aspect of risk assessment...
Two papers in this issue, by Wilson et al. (1) and Benichou et al. (2), highlight the use of attribu...
discusses aspects of causal analysis of epi-demiologic data. The main thrust of the first paper is t...
Item does not contain fulltextBACKGROUND: In studies of all-cause mortality, the fundamental epidemi...
For some diseases, there has been controversy about whether key risk factors are related linearly to...
<p>DIC score differences arising from the comparison of the full causal and reverse causal models, f...
<p>Deviance information criterion (DIC) score differences between two models are shown for a range o...
<p>DIC score differences between models are shown; positive values indicate that causal association ...
<p>Estimated effects of the risk factor for incidence only (A) and the risk factor for incidence and...
<p>Deviance information criterion (DIC) score differences between models are shown; positive values ...
An important scienti\u85c goal of studies in the health and social sciences is increasingly to deter...
Bradford Hill's considerations published in 1965 had an enormous influence on attempts to separ...
In previous articles of this series, we focused on relative risks and odds ratios as measures of eff...
In a recent issue of the Journal, VanderWeele and Vansteelandt (Am J Epidemiol. 2011;174(10):1197–12...
In survival analyses, competing risks are encountered where the subjects under study are at risk for...
Causal inference of exposure-response relations from data is a challenging aspect of risk assessment...