1995 / 1-2. szám Kornai J.: Lasting Growth as the Top Priority: Macroeconomic Tension and Goverment Economic Policy in Hungary Csermely Á.: Competitiveness and Structural Changes in the Hungarian Economy Simonovits A.: The Number of Balanced Steady States in Realistic Overlapping Cohorts Models Bródy A.: The Hungarian GDP, as Measured by Proxies (Appraisal of the Short-Cut Method of F. Jánossy) Bekker Zs.: On Jánossy's Trendline at the End of Century, or Can We Get Rid of Our Past? Tarján T. G.: Imminent OECD Membership of Hungary and the Revival of Jánossy's Trendline Theory Juhász P. - Mohácsi K.: Some Interrelations Involved in the Subsidization of the Agrarian Sector Fertő I.: Methods for ...