Intracellular distribution of hydrogen sulfide releasing enzymes in maturing porcine oocytes

  • Vondráková, Veronika
Publication date
January 2016
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze


The study of the molecular mechanisms regulating reproductive processes is crucial for increasing the efficiency of reproductive biotechnologies that are often used in animal breeding. A key part of many biotechnological methods is the cultivation of oocytes, which simulates natural conditions in the ovaries. However this simulation is still imperfect and presents a limiting factor for successful formation of mammalian oocytes.capable of fertilization. Meiotic maturation is influenced by many factors including for example gasotransmiter hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Until recently, hydrogen sulfide was known only as toxic gas polluting the environment. It was found that the hydrogen sulfide is at low concentrations important signaling molecule w...

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