Molecular mechanism of hydrogen sulfide action during meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes

  • Veselá, Andrea
Publication date
January 2016
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze


At present reproductive biotechnology methods are on the rise, but their development and application in the broader management of reproduction is dependent on obtaining a sufficient number of quality oocytes cultured in vitro. The prerequisite for this requirement is the creation of the optimal conditions in the course of culturing oocytes. Understanding and knowledge of the processes that occur in oocyte during maturation is an important and necessary condition for optimizing the process of culturing oocytes in vitro and gaining a sufficient number of good quality oocytes in metaphase II of meiotic division. A large number of mechanisms that affect and control oocyte maturation are known, however it cannot be claimed that this process has ...

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