- Biography of Johannes Theodoor Thijsse - British Hydraulic Engineering and Research - Probleme der Donau in Österreich - Évolution, depuis trente ans, de la Normalisation Internationale des Mesures de Débits en Conduite - L' Association Internationale d'Hydrologie Scientifique - Activities of Dutch Civil Engineers Abroad - Drawdown due to Ground-water Abstraction with Straight Lines of Wells - Hydraulic Research for the Zuiderzee works - Waves of Long and Short Period - The International Course in Hydraulic Engineering - Trends in Hydraulics Laboratory Research in the Netherlands - Some Aspects of the Delta Project - Problèmes géohydrologiques des Travaux du Zuiderze
The three manuscripts (parts A, B and C) were put in book form by Rijkswaterstaat in Dutch in a limi...
The Hydraulic Laboratory of Liège University, Belgium, is historically considered from its foundatio...
These lecture notes are an attempt to compile various existing matierial on hydraulic structures int...
- Biography of Johannes Theodoor Thijsse - British Hydraulic Engineering and Research - Probleme der...
Hydraulics is the branch of civil engineering related to the science of water in motion, and the int...
Inleiding vervoersobjecten, vervoersmiddelen (zeeschepen, binnenvaartschepen, kustvaartuigen), vervo...
Overview of the hydraulic research for the closure of the afsluitdijk and the construction of the po...
Scope and aims in model techniques, instrumental aids for hydraulic model studies,investigations of ...
This manual is the result of group work and origins in Dutch lecture notes that have been used since...
Since mankind exists, men have undertaken engineering activities to make their life more pleasant an...
Abstract: Jean-Baptiste BÉLANGER (1790-1874) worked as a hydraulic engineer at the beginning of his ...
Benamingen, waterstanden, golven, het dwarsprofiel, dijkdoorbraken, verberingswerken, dijkbewaking.H...
Hydraulic engineering was at the forefront of science for centuries. The end of the 20th century mar...
Added t.p. : Improved methods of hydraulic engineering for controlling and utilizing water currents ...
Hydraulic Engineering plays a very important role in development of a nation, life of people, and in...
The three manuscripts (parts A, B and C) were put in book form by Rijkswaterstaat in Dutch in a limi...
The Hydraulic Laboratory of Liège University, Belgium, is historically considered from its foundatio...
These lecture notes are an attempt to compile various existing matierial on hydraulic structures int...
- Biography of Johannes Theodoor Thijsse - British Hydraulic Engineering and Research - Probleme der...
Hydraulics is the branch of civil engineering related to the science of water in motion, and the int...
Inleiding vervoersobjecten, vervoersmiddelen (zeeschepen, binnenvaartschepen, kustvaartuigen), vervo...
Overview of the hydraulic research for the closure of the afsluitdijk and the construction of the po...
Scope and aims in model techniques, instrumental aids for hydraulic model studies,investigations of ...
This manual is the result of group work and origins in Dutch lecture notes that have been used since...
Since mankind exists, men have undertaken engineering activities to make their life more pleasant an...
Abstract: Jean-Baptiste BÉLANGER (1790-1874) worked as a hydraulic engineer at the beginning of his ...
Benamingen, waterstanden, golven, het dwarsprofiel, dijkdoorbraken, verberingswerken, dijkbewaking.H...
Hydraulic engineering was at the forefront of science for centuries. The end of the 20th century mar...
Added t.p. : Improved methods of hydraulic engineering for controlling and utilizing water currents ...
Hydraulic Engineering plays a very important role in development of a nation, life of people, and in...
The three manuscripts (parts A, B and C) were put in book form by Rijkswaterstaat in Dutch in a limi...
The Hydraulic Laboratory of Liège University, Belgium, is historically considered from its foundatio...
These lecture notes are an attempt to compile various existing matierial on hydraulic structures int...