Performance-based and self-reported physical functioning in low-functioning older persons: Congruence of change and the impact of depressive symptoms

  • Kempen, GIJM
  • Sullivan, M
  • van Sonderen, E
  • Ormel, J
Publication date
January 1999


This prospective cohort study examines the impact of depressive symptoms on changes in self-reported physical functioning in 574 low-functioning older persons. The data were collected in two waves in 1993 and 1995. initial levels of depressive symptoms were not predictive for subsequent change in self-reported physical functioning. Changes in self-reported physical functioning were only moderately associated with changes in performance-based physical functioning The strongest congruence of measured change between self-reported and performance-based physical functioning was found in older persons with increased depressive symptoms. The results suggest that preventing an increase in depressive symptoms may help prevent further deterioration i...

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