The possibility of an aircraft accident with a large number of casualties on the ground in the Schiphol area is expected to be about twice as much in 2005 as it was in 1990. The risk can be expected not to grow much until 2010. This is because there is no substantial growth to be expected in air traffic, and building developments in risky locations can be controlled with recently developed policy instruments. A study on the risk for a large number of casualties, the socalled societal risk, has been carried out for the years 1990, 2005 and 2010. The increase in societal risk is due to the increase in air traffic risks in almost the same measure as to the increase in buildings, mainly those belonging to companies. Furthermore, societal risk i...
Describing a trend in the number of road fatalities in the Dutch province of Flevoland is difficult ...
With considerable efforts the capacity of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol could increase up to approximat...
Mobility is not without risk. On average, each day three people are killed in Dutch traffic and arou...
In November 2003 the Dutch Ministry of Transport promised the relevant parliamentary standing commit...
In November 2003 the Dutch Ministry of Transport promised the relevant parliamentary standing commit...
In dit rapport zijn 6 bijlagen opgenomen die op de site als losse files te vinden zijn: Bijlage A (...
De Staatssecretaris van Verkeer en Waterstaat heeft in november 2003 aan de vaste kamercommissie voo...
In this report an assessment has been made of the effects on public health caused by environmental p...
Alleen digitaal verschenenEr zijn geen duidelijke aanwijzingen dat de sterfterisico's nabij de lucht...
Being a densely populated country, the Netherlands have extensive experience using safety regulation...
Volgens de PKB Schiphol en Omgeving (1995) kunnen op Schiphol binnen de wettelijk vastgestelde milie...
Op verzoek van het ministerie van VWS heeft het RIVM onderzoek verricht naar mogelijke gezondheidsri...
Analysis of the number of fatalities in Amsterdam in 2011; cause for concern? The municipality of Am...
Zuid Holland decided to carry out a thorough exchange of ideas about the contents and organisation o...
The development of the Netherlands international airport Schiphol has been the subject of fierce pol...
Describing a trend in the number of road fatalities in the Dutch province of Flevoland is difficult ...
With considerable efforts the capacity of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol could increase up to approximat...
Mobility is not without risk. On average, each day three people are killed in Dutch traffic and arou...
In November 2003 the Dutch Ministry of Transport promised the relevant parliamentary standing commit...
In November 2003 the Dutch Ministry of Transport promised the relevant parliamentary standing commit...
In dit rapport zijn 6 bijlagen opgenomen die op de site als losse files te vinden zijn: Bijlage A (...
De Staatssecretaris van Verkeer en Waterstaat heeft in november 2003 aan de vaste kamercommissie voo...
In this report an assessment has been made of the effects on public health caused by environmental p...
Alleen digitaal verschenenEr zijn geen duidelijke aanwijzingen dat de sterfterisico's nabij de lucht...
Being a densely populated country, the Netherlands have extensive experience using safety regulation...
Volgens de PKB Schiphol en Omgeving (1995) kunnen op Schiphol binnen de wettelijk vastgestelde milie...
Op verzoek van het ministerie van VWS heeft het RIVM onderzoek verricht naar mogelijke gezondheidsri...
Analysis of the number of fatalities in Amsterdam in 2011; cause for concern? The municipality of Am...
Zuid Holland decided to carry out a thorough exchange of ideas about the contents and organisation o...
The development of the Netherlands international airport Schiphol has been the subject of fierce pol...
Describing a trend in the number of road fatalities in the Dutch province of Flevoland is difficult ...
With considerable efforts the capacity of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol could increase up to approximat...
Mobility is not without risk. On average, each day three people are killed in Dutch traffic and arou...