Omvang, aard en ernst van ongevallen met auto’s te water : een analyse van gegevens tot en met 2000. In opdracht van de Raad voor de Transportveiligheid.

  • Kampen, L.T.B. van
Publication date
January 2003
Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2002, 47 p., 3 ref.; R-2002-28 I


This study is the first phase of research into the outcome of road accidents in which a car end up in the water. Accident and injury data for 1983-2000 from the road accident registration of the Basic Data Department of the Transport Research Centre (AVV-BG) was analysed. This to determine the present size, nature, and severity of such accidents. According to the 1997-2000 data there were 50 injury accidents a year in which a car ended up in deep water. There was an average of 22 deaths a year. There was an average of 750 injury accidents in which a car ended up in a ditch or gulley, resulting in an average of 40 deaths a year. Based on the police accident registration forms, it is estimated that in this annual total of 62 road deaths, drow...

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