The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a block of ten P.E. lessons on teenagers (n°= 46 experimental group, EG; and n°= 27 control group, CG) when playing mini-rugby and fights. Students completed the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) before and after this period. The 29 items focused on the four aspects of aggression: physical (PA, 9 items), verbal (VA, 5), anger (A, 7) and hostility (H, 8). For each question, they wrote from 1 (false) to 5 (true). Regarding the Δ% an incremental % of EG on CG was found: 13.37% VA, 7.51% A, 5.15% H and 8.36% TOT AQ; the only value that decreased was PA (-1.76%). The Δ% average, of the four subscales, is positively equal to 10.63% for EG, while CG showed a -0.83%. With regards to the tota...