Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärgiks oli uurida kiirendatud õppemeetodi tehnikate kasutamist Eesti koolis. Täpsemalt, vaadelda kuivõrd tõhusad ja ainulaadsed need õpitehnikad on, ning seejärel viia läbi uurimus Pärnu Ühisgümnaasiumis põhikooli lõpuklasside põhjal. Antud uurimistöö läbiviimiseks püstitati järgnevad küsimused: 1) Kui tõhusaks osutuvad kiirendatud õppemeetodi tehnikad 9. klassides, kus õpitakse inglise keelt võõrkeelena (Pärnu Ühisgümnaasiumi näitel)? 2) Mis järeldusi saab kiirendatud õppemeetodi tehnikate kasutamisest teha (Pärnu Ühisgümnaasiumi 9. klasside näitel)
The teaching method is one of the contributing factors to successful English language learning. The ...
The increase of changes taking place in today's' English as a Foreign Language (EFL)classroom has fa...
The purpose of this research is to investigate the best practices and effective teaching strategies ...
This thesis explained about the implementation of accelerated learning program in teaching English a...
A research paper submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Teaching...
An experimental research study was designed to analyze the efficiency of accelerated learning to fac...
This article covers ways to learn English, which is one of the most pressing issues to day. In this ...
This study aims at describing the teaching process of English in acceleration class at SMUN 3 Malang...
The level of fluency in the genre specific language of schooling, also known as Academic English (AE...
The main idea which the author came is that English language teaching is very important because of ...
ABSTRAK Sulistiyana, Desy. 2011. “The Teaching of English at the Acceleration Class at SMAN 4 Mala...
This article highlights several ways to learn English effectively and some of the modern learning te...
The purpose of this study is to analyze and elaborate the methods that teachers use while teaching t...
Name : Zahratur RizkiStudent's Number : 0606102050004Study Program : Eng...
This workshop will show how mainstream teachers can make academic content more comprehensible to Eng...
The teaching method is one of the contributing factors to successful English language learning. The ...
The increase of changes taking place in today's' English as a Foreign Language (EFL)classroom has fa...
The purpose of this research is to investigate the best practices and effective teaching strategies ...
This thesis explained about the implementation of accelerated learning program in teaching English a...
A research paper submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Teaching...
An experimental research study was designed to analyze the efficiency of accelerated learning to fac...
This article covers ways to learn English, which is one of the most pressing issues to day. In this ...
This study aims at describing the teaching process of English in acceleration class at SMUN 3 Malang...
The level of fluency in the genre specific language of schooling, also known as Academic English (AE...
The main idea which the author came is that English language teaching is very important because of ...
ABSTRAK Sulistiyana, Desy. 2011. “The Teaching of English at the Acceleration Class at SMAN 4 Mala...
This article highlights several ways to learn English effectively and some of the modern learning te...
The purpose of this study is to analyze and elaborate the methods that teachers use while teaching t...
Name : Zahratur RizkiStudent's Number : 0606102050004Study Program : Eng...
This workshop will show how mainstream teachers can make academic content more comprehensible to Eng...
The teaching method is one of the contributing factors to successful English language learning. The ...
The increase of changes taking place in today's' English as a Foreign Language (EFL)classroom has fa...
The purpose of this research is to investigate the best practices and effective teaching strategies ...