The tale of Baretoka and the Tree of Tarawa tells of the ancestry of Nei Taabiriia on the female side
Stories about the traditional origins of the differing styles of maneaba buildings from the earliest...
The family history of Auriaria from Tamoa (Samoa) when he sailed to Beru and Banab
Collection of creation stories such as The planting of the tree of Tamoa, The Legend of Batuku and t...
A story about Nei Tituabine and her descendants and the creation of settlements on Tabiteuea
The myth of the origins of the people from Kiribati was told in the story of the tree of Samoa
The tree of Tamoa (Samoa) story or creation myth contains a genealogy of the folk migrating from Sam...
Genealogy of the early high chiefs of Tarawa , also genealogy from the time of Tekewekewe I, conquer...
Tabuariki's came to Beru from Tamoa (Samoa) after it was created by the gods. A list of his descenda...
Noubwebwe, the ill-treated servant, marries Nei Nimanoa and when she dies, to escape his old master,...
This is the story of Taburimai's mythical deeds before he left Tamoa (Samoa) and later, on Beru and ...
Manuscript of Te kai n tikaubo, the tree of Tamoa, containing the creation story of the migration fr...
Notes on the traditional origins of the maneaba via the invasion of groups from Samoa having a commo...
Genealogies – Talainji Tribe (mixed with Burduna) pp.1-38 Genealogies from notebook with comments b...
Notes on Riiki and many other ancestors, in Gilbertese and a small amount of English,given by varios...
Stories about the traditional origins of the differing styles of maneaba buildings from the earliest...
Stories about the traditional origins of the differing styles of maneaba buildings from the earliest...
The family history of Auriaria from Tamoa (Samoa) when he sailed to Beru and Banab
Collection of creation stories such as The planting of the tree of Tamoa, The Legend of Batuku and t...
A story about Nei Tituabine and her descendants and the creation of settlements on Tabiteuea
The myth of the origins of the people from Kiribati was told in the story of the tree of Samoa
The tree of Tamoa (Samoa) story or creation myth contains a genealogy of the folk migrating from Sam...
Genealogy of the early high chiefs of Tarawa , also genealogy from the time of Tekewekewe I, conquer...
Tabuariki's came to Beru from Tamoa (Samoa) after it was created by the gods. A list of his descenda...
Noubwebwe, the ill-treated servant, marries Nei Nimanoa and when she dies, to escape his old master,...
This is the story of Taburimai's mythical deeds before he left Tamoa (Samoa) and later, on Beru and ...
Manuscript of Te kai n tikaubo, the tree of Tamoa, containing the creation story of the migration fr...
Notes on the traditional origins of the maneaba via the invasion of groups from Samoa having a commo...
Genealogies – Talainji Tribe (mixed with Burduna) pp.1-38 Genealogies from notebook with comments b...
Notes on Riiki and many other ancestors, in Gilbertese and a small amount of English,given by varios...
Stories about the traditional origins of the differing styles of maneaba buildings from the earliest...
Stories about the traditional origins of the differing styles of maneaba buildings from the earliest...
The family history of Auriaria from Tamoa (Samoa) when he sailed to Beru and Banab
Collection of creation stories such as The planting of the tree of Tamoa, The Legend of Batuku and t...