Publication date: November 1, 2014Analysis of guano specimens from Wooltana Cave, formerly occupied by ghost bats (Macroderma gigas), shows the principal mineral is whitlockite with seven other crystalline phases. These include dittmarite NH4MgPO4·H20, biphosphammite (NH4K)H2PO4, syngenite K2Ca(SO4)2·H20, gorgeyite K2Ca5(SO4)6·H20, brushite CaHPO4·2H20, gypsum CaSO4·2H20 and whewellite CaC204·H20. The mineralogy of the guano samples was determined by powder X-ray diffraction and field emission SEM and the phase analysis was quantified by Reitveld methods. Dittmarite is a very rare mineral and only reported from a small number of localities. It cannot be formed directly in caves as it is normally crystallised from boiling water. We propose t...