This documentary follows the 1972 campaign waged by Shirley Chisholm, the first African-American woman to run for a major party's nomination for United States President. Chisholm first made her mark on American political history when, in 1968, she became the first African-American woman elected to Congress, representing New York
WMPG celebrates the lives of Black men and women throughout the month of February. In 1968, Shirley...
Press release announcing the visit of Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to the U.S. Co...
Informational pages for Shirley Chisholm Commemorative stamp – Black Heritage Series, includes image...
Shirley Chisholm is a pioneer in the history of black women in American politics. Her several campai...
Shirley A. Chisholm (November 30, 1924 – January 1, 2005) was an American politician, educator, and ...
Within this collection, researchers will find roughly 300 photographs, typed and handwritten corresp...
Flyer with biographic information of Shirley Chisholm, first black woman elected to congress, who sp...
The thesis sums up the political work, life and achievements of the first African-American woman eve...
In order to get their voices heard, groups with different interests and needs, often racially, socia...
A 1973 Kanza yearbook page showing a photograph of guest speaker and the first African American woma...
In order to get their voices heard, groups with different interests and needs, often racially, socia...
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion Spring 2016 Lecture Series CHISHOLM '72 Unbought & Unbossed Ca...
Dr. Susan Brand, Professor, Education; and Michelle Gonzalez, Consultant, Multicultural Center. From...
In order to get their voices heard, groups with different interests and needs, often racially, socia...
"Shirley Chisholm, 1st Black Woman in US Congress" article on the new constituent in Brooklyn, New Y...
WMPG celebrates the lives of Black men and women throughout the month of February. In 1968, Shirley...
Press release announcing the visit of Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to the U.S. Co...
Informational pages for Shirley Chisholm Commemorative stamp – Black Heritage Series, includes image...
Shirley Chisholm is a pioneer in the history of black women in American politics. Her several campai...
Shirley A. Chisholm (November 30, 1924 – January 1, 2005) was an American politician, educator, and ...
Within this collection, researchers will find roughly 300 photographs, typed and handwritten corresp...
Flyer with biographic information of Shirley Chisholm, first black woman elected to congress, who sp...
The thesis sums up the political work, life and achievements of the first African-American woman eve...
In order to get their voices heard, groups with different interests and needs, often racially, socia...
A 1973 Kanza yearbook page showing a photograph of guest speaker and the first African American woma...
In order to get their voices heard, groups with different interests and needs, often racially, socia...
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion Spring 2016 Lecture Series CHISHOLM '72 Unbought & Unbossed Ca...
Dr. Susan Brand, Professor, Education; and Michelle Gonzalez, Consultant, Multicultural Center. From...
In order to get their voices heard, groups with different interests and needs, often racially, socia...
"Shirley Chisholm, 1st Black Woman in US Congress" article on the new constituent in Brooklyn, New Y...
WMPG celebrates the lives of Black men and women throughout the month of February. In 1968, Shirley...
Press release announcing the visit of Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman elected to the U.S. Co...
Informational pages for Shirley Chisholm Commemorative stamp – Black Heritage Series, includes image...