Insulinoma in a 9 year old Labrador Retriever

  • Sequeira, Marlon
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Publication date
December 2010


A 9 year old castrated male Labrador Retriever presented to the Cornell University Hospital for Animals (CUHA) with a 1 year history of intermittent weakness, collapse, and 2 generalized seizures. The dog had documented hypoglycemia and hyerinsulinemia during these episodes as well as relief of clinical signs after glucose supplementation. On presentation to CUHA, physical examination revealed a mildly over-conditioned (BCS=7/9) dog with iris cysts OU. Blood glucose concentration was 42 mg/dL (reference range 60-120 mg/dL). Based on the patient's history and elevated amended insulin:glucose ratio, an insulinoma was presumptively diagnosed. Initial management with nutritional modification and exercise restriction failed to adequately control...

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