Hypereosinophilic syndrome in a Rottweiler-mix breed dog

  • Long, Eric
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Publication date
October 2009


A 3.5 year old, castrated male Rottweiler mix-breed dog presented to the Small Animal Internal Medicine Service at Cornell University Hospital for Animals on 9/29/2009 for evaluation of a cough and potential lung masses. The dog had a one month history of occasional diarrhea, inappetence and a cough that was unresponsive to amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. Radiographs taken at the referring veterinarian revealed discrete soft tissue opacities throughout the lung fields. Diagnostics performed on 9/29/09 included a Complete Blood Count and Chemistry Panel, fecal flotation, a thoracic and abdominal CT-scan, ultrasound-guided aspiration of lung and liver, an echocardiogram, and an endotracheal wash. Results of the aspirates and endotracheal wa...

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