Pro gradu -työssä mallinnetaan ja kehitetään mallin mukainen toteutus mikropalvelu-arkkitehtuuriin perustuvasta laajennuksesta olemassaolevaan verkkosovellukseen, joka tutkimuksen mukaan mahdollistaa verkkosovelluksen loppukäyttäjien hyödyntämisen sovelluksen jatkokehittämisessä monoliittisen arkkitehtuurin sovelluksia joustavammin. Pääasiallinen taustateoria sisältää Participative Design ja Design Science -teorioita.This paper presents a model for web application programming interface (API) that uses the microservice architecture to enable and support end-user feature development. The study follows the design-science paradigm of information systems research. Participatory design stands as one ISR-based theory and definitions of user types ...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir piedāvāt padziļinātu mioropakalpju arhitektūras izpētu. Darbs sniedz ieskat...
Modular architecture in frontend applications is still a fairly fresh concept, however microservices...
Development of web applications with JavaScript language has been moving forward really fast recentl...
Microservices are a way of decentralizing software services into smaller, isolated environments with...
Microservices are a way of decentralizing software services into smaller, isolated environments with...
Perkembangan teknologi dalam membangun sebuah aplikasi sudah beraneka ragam, khususnya aplikasi ber...
This bachelor thesis is focused on describing and designing application interfaces . The thesis desc...
The purpose of this thesis was to examine microservice-based architecture and compare it to the trad...
This thesis proposes a novel Web service based API for presence based application development that i...
This master's thesis deals with difficulties of web application development utilizing web services. ...
In the past, web development was mostly based on the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP or Perl) ...
Ohjelmistojen kehittämisen ulkoistaminen on monimutkaista, koska kehitystyö vaatii laajaa tietoa lii...
Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada izrada aplikacije zasnovane na arhitekturi mikrousluga, te razumijevanj...
Danas su dvije najraširenije arhitekture za izradu web aplikacija monolitna i mikroservisa arhitektu...
Danas su dvije najraširenije arhitekture za izradu web aplikacija monolitna i mikroservisa arhitektu...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir piedāvāt padziļinātu mioropakalpju arhitektūras izpētu. Darbs sniedz ieskat...
Modular architecture in frontend applications is still a fairly fresh concept, however microservices...
Development of web applications with JavaScript language has been moving forward really fast recentl...
Microservices are a way of decentralizing software services into smaller, isolated environments with...
Microservices are a way of decentralizing software services into smaller, isolated environments with...
Perkembangan teknologi dalam membangun sebuah aplikasi sudah beraneka ragam, khususnya aplikasi ber...
This bachelor thesis is focused on describing and designing application interfaces . The thesis desc...
The purpose of this thesis was to examine microservice-based architecture and compare it to the trad...
This thesis proposes a novel Web service based API for presence based application development that i...
This master's thesis deals with difficulties of web application development utilizing web services. ...
In the past, web development was mostly based on the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP or Perl) ...
Ohjelmistojen kehittämisen ulkoistaminen on monimutkaista, koska kehitystyö vaatii laajaa tietoa lii...
Cilj je ovog diplomskog rada izrada aplikacije zasnovane na arhitekturi mikrousluga, te razumijevanj...
Danas su dvije najraširenije arhitekture za izradu web aplikacija monolitna i mikroservisa arhitektu...
Danas su dvije najraširenije arhitekture za izradu web aplikacija monolitna i mikroservisa arhitektu...
Maģistra darba mērķis ir piedāvāt padziļinātu mioropakalpju arhitektūras izpētu. Darbs sniedz ieskat...
Modular architecture in frontend applications is still a fairly fresh concept, however microservices...
Development of web applications with JavaScript language has been moving forward really fast recentl...