Mubi-Toram is a group of languages in the Republic of Chad (some of them close to the border with Sudan). This group belongs to the eastern subbranch of Chadic and thus represents the member of the immense Afro-Asiatic (Semito-Hamitic) macrofamily comprising six equipotential branches: Semitic, Egyptian, Berber, Cushitic, Omotic, and Chadic. Mubi-Toram is namely the last (26th) Chadic group in the classification proposed by H. Jungraithmayr (Jungraithmayr — Ibriszimow 1994, Vol. II, p. xv). This is one of the least studied Chadic groups from the standpoint of both lexicography and comparison. For each of its daughter languages we usually find just one wordlist, among them only Mubi is relatively better provided with sources.The success of m...