The focus of the current issue 1-2/2016 of GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information is on the future of ZB MED. The authors of the focus articles are Klaus-Rainer Brintzinger (ZB MED: What value comes to library infrastructure within science?), Iris Reimann (The importance of ZB MED for the German MLA / AGMB) and Bruno Bauer (No future for ZB MED! Or maybe: a future for ZB MED?). Furthermore this issue features articles from Maurizio Grilli (A practical method for systematic searching of literature in medical libraries), Oliver Obst (Use of tablets for the study of medicine. Part 2: The project easyphysikum), Jana Pössel (Usability test of the new ZB MED search portal LIVIVO), Holger Laube, Alena Ittner, Sandra Pfob and Alexander Schröder ...