This paper empirically tests a theory laid out in Scholes et al. (2015, p. 315) that the U.S. worldwide tax system reduces the incentive of U.S. parent companies to be tax aggressive in their foreign subsidiaries. Investors subject to a worldwide tax system pay taxes on their worldwide income, regardless of the origin thereof. Therefore, a U.S. investor pays the difference between the effective tax payment abroad and the higher U.S. statutory tax when profits are repatriated. In contrast, investors subject to territorial tax systems gain the full tax savings from being tax aggressive abroad. Our results show that U.S.-owned foreign subsidiaries have a by 1.2 percentage point higher average GAAP effective tax rate (ETR) compared to su...
Label contradicts reality for the U.S. international corporate tax system. The U.S. system is typica...
Multinational firms with operations in high-tax countries can benefit the most from reallocating tax...
This paper investigates whether the size of multinationals’ real investments in a high-tax country i...
textabstractThis paper empirically tests a theory laid out in Scholes et al. (2015, p. 315) that the...
In this paper, I use confidential UK corporate tax returns dataset from Her Majesty's Revenue and Cu...
In the midst of rapid integration and globalization, multinational firms still face tax systems that...
Using a global sample of multinational corporations (MNCs) and their foreign subsidiaries, we find t...
In 2009, the United Kingdom changed from a worldwide to a territorial tax system, which exempts all ...
This dissertation examines which characteristics distinguish firms that avoid more income taxation f...
This paper tests to what extent are corporate tax differentials motivating the reallocation of repor...
Since 1992, new issues have arisen in international taxation--for example, taxation of electronic co...
There are two basic systems for international corporate taxation. The US operates under a worldwide ...
We show that the parent-subsidiary structure of multinational firms created by cross-border mergers ...
Multinational taxation is an area of research that encompasses academics in accounting, finance and ...
A wave of corporate inversions by U.S. firms over the past two decades has generated substantial deb...
Label contradicts reality for the U.S. international corporate tax system. The U.S. system is typica...
Multinational firms with operations in high-tax countries can benefit the most from reallocating tax...
This paper investigates whether the size of multinationals’ real investments in a high-tax country i...
textabstractThis paper empirically tests a theory laid out in Scholes et al. (2015, p. 315) that the...
In this paper, I use confidential UK corporate tax returns dataset from Her Majesty's Revenue and Cu...
In the midst of rapid integration and globalization, multinational firms still face tax systems that...
Using a global sample of multinational corporations (MNCs) and their foreign subsidiaries, we find t...
In 2009, the United Kingdom changed from a worldwide to a territorial tax system, which exempts all ...
This dissertation examines which characteristics distinguish firms that avoid more income taxation f...
This paper tests to what extent are corporate tax differentials motivating the reallocation of repor...
Since 1992, new issues have arisen in international taxation--for example, taxation of electronic co...
There are two basic systems for international corporate taxation. The US operates under a worldwide ...
We show that the parent-subsidiary structure of multinational firms created by cross-border mergers ...
Multinational taxation is an area of research that encompasses academics in accounting, finance and ...
A wave of corporate inversions by U.S. firms over the past two decades has generated substantial deb...
Label contradicts reality for the U.S. international corporate tax system. The U.S. system is typica...
Multinational firms with operations in high-tax countries can benefit the most from reallocating tax...
This paper investigates whether the size of multinationals’ real investments in a high-tax country i...