For Adorno writing in 1953, Hollywood cinema was a medium of “regression,” based on infantile wish fulfillment, manufactured by the industrial repetition of the filmic image that he called a modern “hieroglyphics”—like the picture-language of Ancient Egypt, which guaranteed immortality after death. In Prolog zum Fernsehen, Bildersprache, the filmic “language of images,” visualised forbidden ideations of sex, death and domination in the unconscious of the mass spectator. Film takes the spectator on a journey into his unconscious in order to control him from within. It works, as the spectator believes the film is speaking to him in his very own image-language (the unconscious), making him do and buy whatever capitalism demands. Modernity for ...
1noA notorious close connection between cinema and architecture exists, as between cinematography an...
We live in a postmodern wonderland where master narratives, authority and values such as good and ba...
Este artículo propone un acercamiento a distintas ideas que el filósofo Theodor Adorno expuso acerca...
Theodor Adorno was opposed to the cinema because he felt it was too close to reality, and ipso facto...
The cliché about modern architecture being the fairy-tale fulfillment of every fantasy ceases to be ...
Andreotti and Lahiji’s The Architecture of Phantasmagoria presents an incisive critique of the disco...
German philosopher, musicologist, and leading light of the Frankfurt School for Social Research, The...
The aim of this project is to provide an historical and philosophical interpretation of the signific...
Architecture has always reflected the state of society, as it must adapt to human life. In a worse c...
Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality ...
Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine Abstract It is impossible to consider that archit...
none1noBy taking seriously an Adornian suggestion, according to which art should be understood as so...
This article discusses T.W. Adorno's criticisms of cinema, and how he saw it in terms of cultural co...
1noThe essential role of architecture in the relationship between cinema and novel: The classic exam...
Adorno’s conception of “serious art” posits that art rejects mimesis, has autonomy from the world as...
1noA notorious close connection between cinema and architecture exists, as between cinematography an...
We live in a postmodern wonderland where master narratives, authority and values such as good and ba...
Este artículo propone un acercamiento a distintas ideas que el filósofo Theodor Adorno expuso acerca...
Theodor Adorno was opposed to the cinema because he felt it was too close to reality, and ipso facto...
The cliché about modern architecture being the fairy-tale fulfillment of every fantasy ceases to be ...
Andreotti and Lahiji’s The Architecture of Phantasmagoria presents an incisive critique of the disco...
German philosopher, musicologist, and leading light of the Frankfurt School for Social Research, The...
The aim of this project is to provide an historical and philosophical interpretation of the signific...
Architecture has always reflected the state of society, as it must adapt to human life. In a worse c...
Due to the character of the original source materials and the nature of batch digitization, quality ...
Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine Abstract It is impossible to consider that archit...
none1noBy taking seriously an Adornian suggestion, according to which art should be understood as so...
This article discusses T.W. Adorno's criticisms of cinema, and how he saw it in terms of cultural co...
1noThe essential role of architecture in the relationship between cinema and novel: The classic exam...
Adorno’s conception of “serious art” posits that art rejects mimesis, has autonomy from the world as...
1noA notorious close connection between cinema and architecture exists, as between cinematography an...
We live in a postmodern wonderland where master narratives, authority and values such as good and ba...
Este artículo propone un acercamiento a distintas ideas que el filósofo Theodor Adorno expuso acerca...