Acute altitude exposure causes a loss of total body water and plasma volume. Glycerol ingestion has been shown to be rapidly absorbed by the intestine, leading to increases in serum osmolality, plasma osmolality, and total body water. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of glycerol ingestion on fluid balance and cardiovascular hemodynamics at rest and during exercise during hypobaric hypoxia. Twelve men (33 ± 8 yr, 177 ± 3 cm, 75 ± 11 kg, 52 ± 10 ml O2·kg -1·min-1) each completed 4, 3.5 hr trials in a randomized design: (A) 6% carbohydrate/electrolyte drink at 1524 m, (B) 5% glycerol drink at 1524 m, (C) 6% carbohydrate/electrolyte at 3659 m, and (D) 5% glycerol at 3659 m. The 3659 m trials were 2 weeks apart. Subjects co...