View of a village built around a single hill. Signed in lower right. Titled in lower left.Digital imageEstate of Gisella L. Cahnman. Provenance: Julius Wolfgang Schülein’s (1881-1970) Studio. Werner and Gisella Cahnman (Nephew of the artist). Estate of Gisella L. Cahnman. Leo Baeck Institute, New York.Julius Wolfgang Schülein (1881 Munich-1970 New York). After studying law and philosophy, Schülein enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, from which he graduated in 1907. The next year he became a student at the private art school "La Palette" in Paris where he met the future portrait painter and designer Suzanne Carvallo whom he married in 1912. After Schülein’s return to Munich in the same year, he co-founded the New Secession, a mov...