Der Stamm der Dagara im Nordwesten Ghanas ist durch einen starken Glauben an ein Leben nach dem Tod gekennzeichnet: Tod, Schmerz und Trauer sind das geheimnisvollste Phänomen der menschlichen Existenz; andererseits aber markiert der Tod den Aufbruch in die Welt der Vorfahren, unsere Heimat und damit das Ziel unserer Sehnsucht. Aus diesem Grund entwickelte sich ein komplexes Bestattungssystem, das sich aus dem Leichenbegängnis, der eigentlichen Bestattung des Toten und dem einige Zeit danach folgenden Geleitritus für den erfolgreichen Weg des Verstorbenen zu seinem Ziel, der Heimat der Vorfahren, zusammensetzt.The Dagara tribe located in the north-west part of Ghana like many African religions strongly believe in life after death. Death with...
West Cameroon Bamilékés' cult of the skulls ; The place of the dead among the living is universally...
How can the Reformed Churches of African origin arrive at a Biblical and contextual liturgy for thei...
The Ashantis are well known for their strict observance and co-operation during funeral rites. I att...
This volume discusses the history of funerals, a 'total social phenomenon' in southern Ghana. Today,...
What connects people of all cultures, regardless of how or where people are born, is the reality tha...
Death is universal and all societies have developed some kind of death ritual which serves as a form...
Funeral rite in the Bamoun cultural universe is perceived as dole or charity on behalf of the depart...
How can the Reformed Churches of African origin arrive at a Biblical and contextual liturgy for the...
Tous les peuples et toutes les cultures célèbrent leurs morts. Les rites funéraires président à la q...
The study is about the Encounters between Christianity and the African Traditional Religions in Fant...
M. Jackson — L'identité des morts: aspects des rites mortuaires dans une société d'Afrique occidenta...
Funerals are significant social events among the Dagara of Ghana. Each occasion offers families a sp...
This study examines the irony in the two religions, Christian and Islamic with respect to the organi...
Wiara w życie pozagrobowe zajmuje ważne miejsce w wielu religiach na świecie. Tak samo było w staroż...
Wiara w życie pozagrobowe zajmuje ważne miejsce w wielu religiach na świecie. Tak samo było w staroż...
West Cameroon Bamilékés' cult of the skulls ; The place of the dead among the living is universally...
How can the Reformed Churches of African origin arrive at a Biblical and contextual liturgy for thei...
The Ashantis are well known for their strict observance and co-operation during funeral rites. I att...
This volume discusses the history of funerals, a 'total social phenomenon' in southern Ghana. Today,...
What connects people of all cultures, regardless of how or where people are born, is the reality tha...
Death is universal and all societies have developed some kind of death ritual which serves as a form...
Funeral rite in the Bamoun cultural universe is perceived as dole or charity on behalf of the depart...
How can the Reformed Churches of African origin arrive at a Biblical and contextual liturgy for the...
Tous les peuples et toutes les cultures célèbrent leurs morts. Les rites funéraires président à la q...
The study is about the Encounters between Christianity and the African Traditional Religions in Fant...
M. Jackson — L'identité des morts: aspects des rites mortuaires dans une société d'Afrique occidenta...
Funerals are significant social events among the Dagara of Ghana. Each occasion offers families a sp...
This study examines the irony in the two religions, Christian and Islamic with respect to the organi...
Wiara w życie pozagrobowe zajmuje ważne miejsce w wielu religiach na świecie. Tak samo było w staroż...
Wiara w życie pozagrobowe zajmuje ważne miejsce w wielu religiach na świecie. Tak samo było w staroż...
West Cameroon Bamilékés' cult of the skulls ; The place of the dead among the living is universally...
How can the Reformed Churches of African origin arrive at a Biblical and contextual liturgy for thei...
The Ashantis are well known for their strict observance and co-operation during funeral rites. I att...