Architectures evolve quickly. The number of transistors available to chip designers doubles every 18 months, allowing increasingly complex architectures to be developed on a single chip. Power dissipation issues have forced chip designers to look for new ways to use the transistors at their disposal. This situation inevitably leads to new architectural features on a fairly regular basis. Enabling programmers to benefit from these new architectural features can be problematic. Since architectures change frequently, and compilers last for a long time, it is clear that compilers should be designed to be extensible. This thesis argues that to support evolving architectures a compiler should support the creation of high-level language e...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
This paper demonstrates how parallel programming language features can be specified as composable la...
The architectures of system-on-chip (SoC) platforms found in high-end consumer devices are getting m...
As chip manufacturing processes are getting ever closer to what is physically possible, the projecti...
Compilers are the critical translators that convert a human-readable program into the code understoo...
Compilers are the critical translators that convert a human-readable program into the code understoo...
The need for fast time to market of new embedded processor-based designs calls for a rapid design me...
The rising pressure to simultaneously improve performance and reduce power consumption is driving mo...
Power consumption and fabrication limitations are increasingly playing significant roles in the desi...
International audienceThe current microarchitecture trend leads toward heterogeneity. This evolution...
International audienceThe current microarchitecture trend leads toward heterogeneity. This evolution...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
Before it can achieve wide acceptance,parallel computation must be made significantly easier to prog...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
This paper demonstrates how parallel programming language features can be specified as composable la...
The architectures of system-on-chip (SoC) platforms found in high-end consumer devices are getting m...
As chip manufacturing processes are getting ever closer to what is physically possible, the projecti...
Compilers are the critical translators that convert a human-readable program into the code understoo...
Compilers are the critical translators that convert a human-readable program into the code understoo...
The need for fast time to market of new embedded processor-based designs calls for a rapid design me...
The rising pressure to simultaneously improve performance and reduce power consumption is driving mo...
Power consumption and fabrication limitations are increasingly playing significant roles in the desi...
International audienceThe current microarchitecture trend leads toward heterogeneity. This evolution...
International audienceThe current microarchitecture trend leads toward heterogeneity. This evolution...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
Before it can achieve wide acceptance,parallel computation must be made significantly easier to prog...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
As transistors size and power limitations stroke computer industry, hardware parallelism arose as th...
This paper demonstrates how parallel programming language features can be specified as composable la...
The architectures of system-on-chip (SoC) platforms found in high-end consumer devices are getting m...