Our Father is a fictional short film that tells a story of two women—a mother (Mira, 53, an immigrant from Croatia) and her daughter (Emily, 30, a born Canadian)— who are trying to set aside their differences while traveling to the cemetery where Mira’s deceased husband and Emily’s father is buried. Various disputes happen during their time in the car: the daughter’s lack of interest in visiting the grave of her father regularly, Emily’s (in her mother’s view) masculinized appearance, their differing views on death and religion, and the mother’s strict and unforgiving attitude towards life. The main conflict arises when the mother realizes that Emily failed to buy a proper set of flowers, thus exhibiting a lack of understanding and commitm...
Abstract College campuses across the nation are recruiting and admitting veteran students more th...
Abstract Preschool is a critical context in which children gain and exercise the skills necessary t...
This dissertation contributes to the discourse of informal and temporary architecture through its in...
This is a parody on Albert Camus’ The Fall, and it satirizes Contemporary Architecture’s Dystopic M...
As a creolized Trinidadian subject, I navigate the tensions of my heritage and selfhood as a transgr...
This research is concerned with the competition between various actors – journalists, government min...
Non-traditional casting has been a controversial practice in film, television and theatre that was i...
Crowdsourcing systems promise to leverage the "wisdom of crowds" to help solve many kinds of problem...
This dissertation examines contemporary literary works that have shaped the mode or subgenre of the ...
Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit „Erinnerung“ in zeitgenössischen irischen Theaterstücken. Da...
This thesis aims to investigate how science fiction can engender critical conversations about post-h...
Women remain underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, pe...
Expectations are cognitions that are formed from past experiences, influence current behavior, and a...
abstract: This thesis document encapsulates the findings of my research process in which I studied m...
The city of Melbourne, Victoria, consistently ranks amongst the world's most liveable. For near...
Abstract College campuses across the nation are recruiting and admitting veteran students more th...
Abstract Preschool is a critical context in which children gain and exercise the skills necessary t...
This dissertation contributes to the discourse of informal and temporary architecture through its in...
This is a parody on Albert Camus’ The Fall, and it satirizes Contemporary Architecture’s Dystopic M...
As a creolized Trinidadian subject, I navigate the tensions of my heritage and selfhood as a transgr...
This research is concerned with the competition between various actors – journalists, government min...
Non-traditional casting has been a controversial practice in film, television and theatre that was i...
Crowdsourcing systems promise to leverage the "wisdom of crowds" to help solve many kinds of problem...
This dissertation examines contemporary literary works that have shaped the mode or subgenre of the ...
Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit „Erinnerung“ in zeitgenössischen irischen Theaterstücken. Da...
This thesis aims to investigate how science fiction can engender critical conversations about post-h...
Women remain underrepresented in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, pe...
Expectations are cognitions that are formed from past experiences, influence current behavior, and a...
abstract: This thesis document encapsulates the findings of my research process in which I studied m...
The city of Melbourne, Victoria, consistently ranks amongst the world's most liveable. For near...
Abstract College campuses across the nation are recruiting and admitting veteran students more th...
Abstract Preschool is a critical context in which children gain and exercise the skills necessary t...
This dissertation contributes to the discourse of informal and temporary architecture through its in...