Tuina, as one of the therapeutic procedures in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is used to treat diseases by manipulation of certain parts and acupuncture points of the body. It is one of the external treatments that are used by TCM practitioners. It is not a general treatment method which can be used by amateurs such as the so called “masseurs”. In recent years in the UK, as TCM becomes popularised, some TCM shops covertly and overtly employ masseurs to carry out Tuina therapy. Although some TCM practitioners do Tuina themselves, most of them are not specialised in Tuin therapy in their TCM training. The employed masseurs, the vast majority of them being female, have had even less TCM training. In the meantime, there is no professi...
VERY few Medical Officers serve in the East without at sometime coming into contact with Chinese med...
The global demand for traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) has exploded in the last thirty years. De...
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was developed more than 2,500 years ago as a system for studying...
Background: Tuina massage is a traditional method used effectively in the treatment of various ailme...
While traditional Chinese medicine has displayed a positive and effective role in saving lives of CO...
Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) refer to chronic injuries that are primarily caused b...
Background: You Gu Wu Yun (有故无殒), a Chinese ancient medicine application principle, has played an im...
Chinese medicine uses a number of modalities or therapies for both prevention and treatment of disea...
Bakalaura darbs „Ķīniešu tradicionālā masāža: tuina metode” ir veltīts ķīniešu tradicionālās masāžas...
Background: You Gu Wu Yun (有故无殒), a Chinese ancient medicine application principle, has played an im...
© 2018, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved. Currently, there are a large number of human p...
Background: As an alternative medical system, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been increasing...
Objective To describe the key systems used for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) classification....
Reproductive diseases have been a great threat in large animal herds. Before induction of western me...
Chinese medicine, it nevertheless allowed it coexist with Western medicine after its withdrawal to T...
VERY few Medical Officers serve in the East without at sometime coming into contact with Chinese med...
The global demand for traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) has exploded in the last thirty years. De...
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was developed more than 2,500 years ago as a system for studying...
Background: Tuina massage is a traditional method used effectively in the treatment of various ailme...
While traditional Chinese medicine has displayed a positive and effective role in saving lives of CO...
Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) refer to chronic injuries that are primarily caused b...
Background: You Gu Wu Yun (有故无殒), a Chinese ancient medicine application principle, has played an im...
Chinese medicine uses a number of modalities or therapies for both prevention and treatment of disea...
Bakalaura darbs „Ķīniešu tradicionālā masāža: tuina metode” ir veltīts ķīniešu tradicionālās masāžas...
Background: You Gu Wu Yun (有故无殒), a Chinese ancient medicine application principle, has played an im...
© 2018, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved. Currently, there are a large number of human p...
Background: As an alternative medical system, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been increasing...
Objective To describe the key systems used for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) classification....
Reproductive diseases have been a great threat in large animal herds. Before induction of western me...
Chinese medicine, it nevertheless allowed it coexist with Western medicine after its withdrawal to T...
VERY few Medical Officers serve in the East without at sometime coming into contact with Chinese med...
The global demand for traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) has exploded in the last thirty years. De...
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was developed more than 2,500 years ago as a system for studying...