Red peppers(Capsicum annum) is one ofhorticultural commoditiesthathave high economic valueinIndonesia. There are wide variety of growthtypesandfruit shape. It is estimated thatthere are 20species, mostly livein his native country, Peru. Glucose is onecompositionowned by red peppers. Glucoseis a monosaccharidecontainingsixcarbon atoms. Glucoseis analdehyde(-CHO group containing). Fivecarbonandoneoxygenforminga ringcalled a"pyranosering", the most stable formofaldosehassix carbons. Theglucosewill be separatedfromthe red pepperthrough simple extractionmethod. Wherethe extractwill beanalyzedusing avisiblespectrophotometer. Glucose content inredpepperrangedbetween6-7%. These results indicatethatthe glucose contentdo not vary muchthoughusingdiffe...
The utilization of cassava's peel provides a great opportunity as starch resource and economically b...
Cabai merah keriting (Capsicum annum) dan salak pondoh (salacca edulis Reinw) merupakan salah satu ...
INDONESIA Fosfat merupakan nutrient essensial yang diperlukan oleh tanaman dalam pertumbuhan dan pe...
Spectrophotometer is an instrument used to measure the absorbance of a solution. The principle works...
Spectrophotometer is an instrument to measure or absorban that has the samples as a function of wave...
Spektrofotometri merupakan salah satu metode analisis instrumental yang menggunakan dasar interaksi ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature on glucose levels produced duri...
Cabai rawit merupakan buah dari tanaman bergenus Capsicum dan memiliki banyak varietas atau genotip....
Spectrophotometer is an instrument used to measure the absorbance of a solution. The principle works...
Spectrophotometer is an instrument to measure, absorban, and consentration that has the samples as a...
Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) is one of the products that have the potential agriculture, healthy...
Glucose has many benefits and functions that we need to know, one of which is as an important nutrie...
Analisis dan Karakterisasi Minyak Atsiri Lavender dan Peppermint dengan Kromatografi Gas-Spektroskop...
Abstrak: Analisis dan Karakterisasi Minyak Atsiri Lavender dan Peppermint dengan Kromatografi Gas-Sp...
The research was conducted in a factorial experiment with factor A: far-red light treatment with 2 l...
The utilization of cassava's peel provides a great opportunity as starch resource and economically b...
Cabai merah keriting (Capsicum annum) dan salak pondoh (salacca edulis Reinw) merupakan salah satu ...
INDONESIA Fosfat merupakan nutrient essensial yang diperlukan oleh tanaman dalam pertumbuhan dan pe...
Spectrophotometer is an instrument used to measure the absorbance of a solution. The principle works...
Spectrophotometer is an instrument to measure or absorban that has the samples as a function of wave...
Spektrofotometri merupakan salah satu metode analisis instrumental yang menggunakan dasar interaksi ...
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature on glucose levels produced duri...
Cabai rawit merupakan buah dari tanaman bergenus Capsicum dan memiliki banyak varietas atau genotip....
Spectrophotometer is an instrument used to measure the absorbance of a solution. The principle works...
Spectrophotometer is an instrument to measure, absorban, and consentration that has the samples as a...
Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) is one of the products that have the potential agriculture, healthy...
Glucose has many benefits and functions that we need to know, one of which is as an important nutrie...
Analisis dan Karakterisasi Minyak Atsiri Lavender dan Peppermint dengan Kromatografi Gas-Spektroskop...
Abstrak: Analisis dan Karakterisasi Minyak Atsiri Lavender dan Peppermint dengan Kromatografi Gas-Sp...
The research was conducted in a factorial experiment with factor A: far-red light treatment with 2 l...
The utilization of cassava's peel provides a great opportunity as starch resource and economically b...
Cabai merah keriting (Capsicum annum) dan salak pondoh (salacca edulis Reinw) merupakan salah satu ...
INDONESIA Fosfat merupakan nutrient essensial yang diperlukan oleh tanaman dalam pertumbuhan dan pe...