The 1997 science-fiction film Gattaca tells the story of Vincent Freeman, a “God-child,” “de-gene-erate,” “faith birth.” The film unfolds in a not-too-distant future where genetic modification is commonplace and children’s characteristics and predispositions are routinely decided before birth. A rarity in this world, Vincent is conceived without any genetic modification and, consequently, is born with myopia and a congenital heart defect. His inferior genetic profile has banished him to a new subclass of society, so the only way to achieve his lifelong dream of becoming an astronaut is by impersonating a “valid”—a person with a healthy, genetically-engineered DNA
In a not too distant future, a technologically advanced country faces a serious problem of populatio...
Synopsis – Developments in in vitro fertilization techniques and recombinant DNA technology are impr...
In recent years, society and medical technology have combined to yield numerous technologies with wh...
The 1997 science-fiction film Gattaca tells the story of Vincent Freeman, a “God-child,” “de-gene-er...
by Markus Pohlmann Gattaca is a 1997 Hollywood film which features the distinctions between genetica...
Crown Copyright © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript version is made available under t...
On February 3, 2015, Members of the United Kingdom’s Parliament, in an historical move, voted to app...
Australian scientists in Sydney made medical history by creating a life-saving brother for a child w...
International audienceThe genetic revolution is marked, in particular, by complex transformations in...
Three-parent in vitro fertilization (“IVF”) is a controversial procedure that offers the possibility...
The biotechnological field of genetic engineering is advancing so rapidly that some scientists predi...
The world's first genetically modified humans have been created, it was revealed last night. Th...
The emerging technologies of prenatal human genetic enhancement give to third parties the unprecede...
In this paper, I will present how film, and especially science fiction, illustrates and considers th...
Eugenics is an area that sustained the aimed efforts to reach a biological evolution beyond the natu...
In a not too distant future, a technologically advanced country faces a serious problem of populatio...
Synopsis – Developments in in vitro fertilization techniques and recombinant DNA technology are impr...
In recent years, society and medical technology have combined to yield numerous technologies with wh...
The 1997 science-fiction film Gattaca tells the story of Vincent Freeman, a “God-child,” “de-gene-er...
by Markus Pohlmann Gattaca is a 1997 Hollywood film which features the distinctions between genetica...
Crown Copyright © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This manuscript version is made available under t...
On February 3, 2015, Members of the United Kingdom’s Parliament, in an historical move, voted to app...
Australian scientists in Sydney made medical history by creating a life-saving brother for a child w...
International audienceThe genetic revolution is marked, in particular, by complex transformations in...
Three-parent in vitro fertilization (“IVF”) is a controversial procedure that offers the possibility...
The biotechnological field of genetic engineering is advancing so rapidly that some scientists predi...
The world's first genetically modified humans have been created, it was revealed last night. Th...
The emerging technologies of prenatal human genetic enhancement give to third parties the unprecede...
In this paper, I will present how film, and especially science fiction, illustrates and considers th...
Eugenics is an area that sustained the aimed efforts to reach a biological evolution beyond the natu...
In a not too distant future, a technologically advanced country faces a serious problem of populatio...
Synopsis – Developments in in vitro fertilization techniques and recombinant DNA technology are impr...
In recent years, society and medical technology have combined to yield numerous technologies with wh...